The join bugs has ruined my account

My account has far more losses than it should have due to the constant join bugs. Since the old is gone and it’s no longer possible to create a new account im stuck with these scores that im not proud of, or feel is representing where im at as a player. Id very much like you Blizzard to do a clean swipe of the stats once you sorted out this mess.


They are fixing it…

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this would be the right thing to do. but whats the record of blizzard doing the right things around here?

on a side note. bashing in those beginner players also heavily inflates winrates for seasoned players anyway. so your stats will be worse later with all the new players having jumped the ship by then, facing tougher opponents.

When? The last patch didn’t fix desyncs or match found!. The game is almost a month old and they haven’t fixed anything lol. Even if they fix it, what does your post have to do with what the OP wrote?

edit: Sorry, been on the internet since 1995 and they actually did fix the first and only NON-AUTO SCROLLING CHAT i’ve ever seen. Now that is a laugh.


I have no idea but they have confirmed they are fixing it :smiley:

" DoNt YoU HaVe aN AlT oR a PhOnE?! "

towards 50%? I just lost 2 and won 1 match, plus many failed entries, and ended up with about 1000 mmr. It must be always counting a loss for me.

What’s funny - even with such low MMR, I’m still being matched against pro players.

Also, why the hell Asia works better than Europe in Poland?