The Culling- HARD campaign AFTER patch 1.32

Hi all. I know there have been numerous threads on this and I have read them but I wanted to continue posting so hopefully Blizzard will take note. This mission is so ridiculously overtuned and unfair it’s insane. I could almost, almost see if it was in the final campaign but this is the first one.

The magical teleportation of UD purple units from the right side now with absolutely no through path or logical reason and then coupled with the insanity of how fast a fully fortified T3 ground army comes at you is beyond comprehension. The ferocity of the waves coming at your base with upgrades overwhelms constantly.

I have watched videos on this but they’re all from pre-patch when the mission was challenging, but quite do-able. I would consider myself a decent player. Not so much in a multiplayer lol harassment cheese hero micro setting, but a good campaign player with good hero micro and a solid idea of how to build up, defend, attack, and explore. You know, actual RTS.

As usual there are trolls that talk about how easy this is even after the overtuning. Please get a life, the vast majority of us are struggling while we are fine on other missions; even eternity’s end. There simply aren’t enough resources fast enough to build 2 massive counter armies needed to combat that and not only that but Mal’Ganis just constantly gets stronger and stronger to the point where you can beat him 2-3 times but then your wounded and depleted army gets massacred by his ever increasing power army that somehow spawns every 1.5 minutes. Even massing towers eventually get destroyed and by that point the cost of maintenance on repairing and rebuilding them has depleted your bank to where you have no money for an army.

I have tried the cat and mouse kiting game and gotten close a few times but it is so tedious and annoying that there just is no possible way that this was the way Blizzard intended this mission to be fought. The answer to every mission can’t mass rifles and tower defense and cheese as hard as you can. You can tell from the quality of the story telling that Blizzard intended for you to be somewhat immersed in the story and game and thus not cheesing every level; you should be able to play all the units and have a balance that isn’t just ranged.

The only video I’ve seen is by Aegis Gaming where he somehow manages to do this after patch and not only beat it but also level the entire Purple UD base. To be fair, he is the best campaign player of WC3 I’ve seen and he BARELY got it by the skin of his teeth. Mad props though.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but nothing but time on my hands with COVID-19 lol. Appreciate anyone listening. Please like and reply so hopefully Blizzard can fix this soon. Again, not interested in being harassed for sucking at the game because I don’t and there are so many people with this issue.

Stay safe y’all. For the Alliance!


Hello i managed to beat this mission on hard after 1.32 by first defending and bulding towers on both sides of the base(near the well) and only after i got knights i started harassing Malganis.
you can take a look at my strategy here - Warcraft 3 Reforged Human Campaign - The Culling (Hard) Chapter 06 with secrets - YouTube
hope it helps ya cya mate!

Its not that hard mission. Knight are only units you need to buy. Split ur parties so you can kill atleast two targets at the time.

Also dont focuse on killing dreadlord manytimes only if its absolute necessary.

However I admit that frostmourne mission on hard where u have gained frostmourne and have base and need to atk undead its so hard that even I couldnt beat that.

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hi you can watch my video on that part if you want i mostly focused on arthas group and rushed it and my base could take the hit by then.

Hi. I did after second time. just ignore mal’ganis try to rush house in others side. Your goal isn’t to kill him see it like a race.

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Yea i just did this the other day randomly on current patch I ignored mal and afk killed villagers was super easy

Basically this is the original version. He is so much stronger you can’t kill him.
Or well you can kill him maybe once.

This mission is not hard at all. As people have said, just avoid malganis at all times and focus on the villagers. Fighting him is a waste. Back home just mass towers and keep a couple units around to aim meat wagons.

hi I did it in less than 8 minutes enjoy: Human Campaign HARD - 55m43s - Warcraft 3 Reforged Speedrun (World Record) - YouTube

at 29:00

yes u did, but old version. your base never got attacked, not even once. good job nontheless.

Beating Mal’Ganis will cost you most of your army. You can only kill him once or twice; this mission is no longer a faceroll where you just beat everything.

You must weigh your priorities. If you are under attack, you must have enough defenses to hold on until you can save your base. You obviously do not have the resources to build two armies. The point is NOT to “turtle” or create a “tower defense”–it’s to manage your resources and find the correct strategy to win. The only “tower defense” mission in the game is probably the Defense of Strahnbrad, and that mission was always a tower defense game.

In my case, while it was some months ago, I remember that this mission was indeed quite difficult. But I found the solution quite quickly, I think I only restarted it like once. As others have said, it’s a race, you need to discard your old preconceptions of how you’re supposed to beat this mission. It’s not about killing Mal’Ganis every time he sticks his head out and getting to 100 when he is at 5 or 8. I beat it while he was at like 90.

It’s about getting to 100 before him. You must defend your base while trying to keep up with Mal’Ganis. When your army is large enough, you can kill Mal’Ganis–at the cost of half or more of your army-- in order to delay him so you can gain the edge. It’s like a marathon. It’s not about sprinting, getting the lead first, and winning while leaving your opponents in the dust. It’s a marathon now. Take your time, KEEP UP with him, etc. You’re not supposed to turtle until you have a mega army that can kill do all 100 at once while killing Mal’Ganis each time he pops up. That’s a completely thoughtless, brute force strategy that is sure to be a lot harder.

Balance defending with keeping up with Mal’Ganis. The mission is not difficult. You must simply accept that you cannot win the mission 100-0 anymore–the mission is no longer a joke. Turtling is not the answer to ANY mission except Twilight of the Gods. I think, if anything, the campaign is undertuned in the sense that if you’ve been turtling and winning, that means something is wrong. You’re not supposed to win via turtling a super army.

P.S: The 1.33 Hard campaign is getting reverted in the upcoming patch for no comprehensible reason. So you got what you wanted I guess.

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well basically it’s “we don’t know how to fix the crashing even though multiple people have told us how to fix it, so we’re just going to throw the baby out with the bathwater and “fix” the game crashes by undoing most of the improvements we made to the campaign.”

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why even bother playing an inauthentic trooned out version? literally every mission is going to feel different from the developer intentions. just install 1.0 imo