Team colors fix for other game modes than 1v1

It would be really nice if you would adjust how team colors work in other modes than 1v1. Currently while team colors are on player is displayed as blue, enemy is displayed as red and allies are displayed as light blue. This solution is good for 1v1 or some campaign levels but in other modes where there is more players it is sometimes hard to read what belongs to who. For example in 4v4 there is many allies and enemies, and it is sometimes hard to recognize which heroes belong to who or which one of your allies is pinging/asking for help as all enemies and all allies are the same color. What I thing would be a good solution is make enemy team players all in different shades of red and allies in different shades of blue, or to simplify you can use currently existing colors and enemy team would use warm colors as red, pink oranges etc and allies would be cold colors teal, blue shades, green shades etc. It would highly improve readability in this chaotic match ups while players could more easly recognize allies and enemies and differentiate between two enemies with the same race so they would know for example whos death knight should they target first because he brought more units and things like that.

Also it would be ideal to make a setting where players can adjust this colors so people with colorblind spectrum could adjust colors to their needs - but I know this last one is a lot more work so the first solution would also be great