Solid work boys

Broke another part of WC3 that was working flawlessly for years before this?
Alienate more of the player base with no communication or warning about network testing that may crash battle net?

Good day at the office boys, lets go home


they are working on it, just be patient


Does that actually count as an acknowledgment of them working on the issue? as far as I can tell it was Pete giving a generic, phoney, ‘didn’t actually read your original comment’ response to a dude talking about how he found a website that gives out CD keys for free.

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While I agree Petes comment to Streak was kinda phony, it would seem as though he was acknowledging the thread in which everybody was having problems. Even though customgames were not working earlier, you could still log into bnet and play RT… but now Bnet is shut off entirely, so Im pretty sure they are working on it. This has happened before so hopefully they know what the issue is

well these are nice logics, but we have no way of telling since there’s been no communication about why the issue started in the first place, and apart from a ‘we’re doing our best’ 6 hours ago, no communication about how they’re fixing it.
just a simple ‘hail warchiefs, tinkers etc etc, we’re working on xyz and may expect some network outages’ would be enough to dissuade people from drinking a bunch of coffee after work in the expectation that the game they’ve played for years without problem would continue to not have problems.

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So keep crying about it, but im sure tomorrow after you wake up in the later afternoon hours, youll log into wc3 without even thinking about the fact that it was down tonight

probably more like, when I get off work tomorrow I will be too tired to play, because in the time I had carved out from my schedule to play warcraft I wasted 3 hours doing nothing hopped up on coffee because one of pete’s monkeys unplugged the network cables and it took the rest of them 6+ hours to figure out how to plug it back in

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"no the developers of video games are machines and video games are very eazy Warcraft 3 Dev’s team is just lazy "

some people dont understand that the WC3R team working on old game with old codes and any small change to the code can broke the game and for sure they will need to fix this problems

i dont understand why only the forum comunity is like that and this toxic behavior will not support the dev’s team to comunicate with us or even work on the game …

yup its back and working again, atleast it was just one night and not the entire weekend :slight_smile:

Complain on forums that accomplishes literally nothing

“I cant beleive they broke the game. They could at least give us an ackbowledgement that they’re doing something!!”

Blizz- “Hey guys we know about the issue and are trying our best to fix it”

“OMG they responded! I cant believe they arent telling us why it broke. Can we even believe they are fixing it?”