So what's all the fuss is about atm?

I bought reforged at release and refunded it next day because it was just a broken mess. I bought it again yesterday and I won’t be coming back to classic. They really improved the game. Here is what I see.


  1. Better graphics. Don’t deny it. No more “same model, but different colour and size” for creeps.
  2. Stable framerate. Finally.
  3. Single player. No more “online-only” for campaign and custom maps.
  4. Improved campaigns. Have you noticed that they changed jungle trolls in Black Rock’n Roll to the lore-friendly forest trolls? That’s cool. I also liked new Stratholme and Dalaran.


  1. No online profile.
  2. No custom campaigns.
  3. No custom campaigns.
  4. No custom campaigns.
  5. No custom campaigns.
    (They can be played as separate custom maps like in RoC, but yeah we need an actual TFT feature)

I really want to thank the intern classic team for improving and caring about the game. You’ve done a good job. But we really need custom campaigns.


Who’s going to tell him?


Tell me what?
I got archived 1.30.4.

We’ll… a new presidential executive order just destroyed a few financial future prospects.


Edit: have to tip toe.

I’m still waiting for custom campaigns too, but I think we’ll have to wait and see until 2021 to judge the state of things because so much is/will happing in these months.

Better graphics.

Models that look like something from mobile game are “better graphics”?
Terrain and trees that look worse than they did in the original are “better graphics”?
Lighting and colors that are all over the place (esp. in hero portraits) are “better graphics”?
Not being able to tell apart units during fights is a sign of “better graphics” in an RTS game?
FFS the hero portraits don’t even have proper speech animations… THAT’S "better graphics?

Tell me you are joking…

Stable framerate. Finally.

Is that why pro scene still plays in Classic mode, and people constantly complain here about performance issues? :smile:

Single player. No more “online-only” for campaign and custom maps.

Comment in link below says:
The game can only be played offline if it is periodically logged into Battlenet. If too much time passes, offline play is locked out until it’s logged in again.

So that ain’t tru either :smile:

Improved campaigns.

Oh wow they added a few new skins/models! So what? How much stuff they removed instead? Even removed voice lines, that might seem… un-PC. And you yourself mentioned Custom Campaigns.

It’s a completely irrelevant detail. But irrelevant details (like footprints) are seemingly what they are focusing on currently…


Good luck playing bnet with that.

I think it’s fine. But I guess it’s a matter of taste.
Quenching can fix a few issues

I only play solo so I don’t know anything about it.

That’s sad. But I still can log in through the game itself without being requred to install app. I play reforged without it. Uninstalled it completely with it’s agent.exe stuff. What was it anyway? A bitcoin miner from blizz? I don’t need any extra software on my PC. Thankfully reforged only requre a single cache file in user’s "roaming"folder to run.

And I like it.

What I see is:
he plays the campaign so basically it has nothing to do with reforged.
stable framerate was something that the old wc3 had too, fixing is not improving.
he doesn’t need to stay online so he hopefully avoids the sickeness of new battlenet.
quenching fixes his graphic.
blizzard gets 30 dollars. (for???)

the new business model:
release something broken.
pretend to fix it.
earn money.


I’m surprised you’re getting a stable framerate. That’s awesome for you!

Just to clarify, when you say “stable”, do you mean the framerate is a constant value (i.e. 60fps/72fps/144fps)? Or, does it dip low on some occasions? What are your system specs?

I’m still getting inconsistent framerates in singleplayer versus, online versus, and campaign. While more of the time I’ll get 138fps (gsynced), I often get huge drops in framerate when selecting units. This is only a problem for me with Reforged graphics, but not Classic.

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Alright dude. We see what you are doing there… You just want some kind of attention, special place. Acting like “I am fine with this, it’s just you all having problems with it”.

Attention seeker, nothing else. You are just saying your acting out opinions here that are purely subjective and more than not; blind.