Feb 4th. “coming weeks” at this point is going onto week 7. But yeah, it’s horrible asking for
I’m sorry my “feeble brain” wants a follow up to “coming weeks”. I wonder how many other “feeble brain"ed individuals would think " coming weeks” =/= 2 months. Hmmm
You know the best part about road maps? Is they’re usually done in a way that you know what is 1 month away, 1-3 months away, 3-6 months away and/or 6+ months away. So instead of getting nonsense like “coming weeks” that to Blizzard could mean ANYTHING you actually get some kind of time frame. But hey, maybe that’s just my “feeble brain” talking nonsense /shrug
Blizzard, if you’re reading, I’ll trade a roadmap for never having to see another Ashreon troll shill post again. Can we have just have a global mute feature?