Shadowlands makes dreadlord make sense

Since we got time to kill here is offshoot topic.

Dreadlords on the undead hero roster always seemed off to me. They were always promoted as a face of the legion that the scourge rebelled against. Their demeanor said “I am a tavern hero, I’m on the side that benefits me. I swapped places with the dark ranger when the developers weren’t looking.”

What shadowlands did was say that these guys are now the heralds of death, and not really so much essential to the legion as we first thought.

Do you think this image change will lead to more stories about them secretly creating stuff other than the liches sword and helm?

Not all dreadlords (aka Nathrezims) served Sargeras. It was in the lore for a long time, they lived on an other planet which had been attacked by the Legion. After this event some (or all?) of the dreadlords joined the Legion. The Shadowlands patch only gives how their home look like.

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I think he’s referring to the new Journal created by a Dreadlord revealing about their plans to infiltrate every major force in Warcraft cosmos, including Legion, Void and the Army of the Light. The “Sire” that the report was being signed to is most likely referring to the Sire Denathrius, the leader of the Venthyr in Shadowlands, who looks like a Dreadlord very much.

Partially retcon the dreadlords and add fan fiction so that we’d have big baddies for an expansion to work.

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The lord of terror is with the undead. why is a vampire a type of undead.

about the new Lore. for now it smells like one more retcon.