SC II Editor gets an upgrade, while WC3 Reforged sits dead in the water

They might actually just port Reforged to the SC2 engine.

I hope not, I hope they just revert to “Preforged” but bah.


I hope they do that.
From what I see, the changes are aimed at:

  1. making the editor easier to use
  2. implements functionality, that WC3 had, but SC2 didn’t (such as formation movement, or adding water pathing and many many more)

So if Reforged truly starts using SC2 engine instead, not only will many of the current Reforged bugs will get fixed just by the engine swap, but we will also get a huge boost in game quality AND things we can make in the world editor.
Hell, you will be able to control almost everything you want via triggers after this update.

If not, then I truly hope WC3 editor gets the amount of love SC2 one is getting.


I’m surprised at the question. One is the current flagship RTS for Blizzard and the industry as a whole. The other is its 18 year old predecessor whose time has past. It’s only back on stage (not even center stage) due to a remaster kick that Bliz is on. Would you ask why Starcraft 1’s editor isn’t getting a huge upgrade too?

And “dead in the water”? No, StarEdit is truly “dead in the water” as in, unlike World Editor, it’s been completely discontinued… it doesn’t come with the game anymore. A community made editor had to rise up to take its place.

Lol I have been suggesting 5 bug fixes since reforged released most which affect either how SD looks on a significant manner (which DOES affect my and all maps) and or prevent me from finishing my map
And they can’t even do that but sc2 gets 20 thousand lines of editor patches…

also on the bright side there’s more than 12 selectable units for custom games like Helms Deep, Zombie Apocalypse Medieval, and Lordaeron the Aftermath

From reading all the war3-ish updates to the sc2 editor I kind of feel like they are maybe going to give up on reforged and merge it into sc2. Which may not be such a bad idea. I know there’s people out there that would love to play the warcraft races vs the starcraft races. Plus having both games localized in a single client would probably mean war3 would get more focus and support than it is now if it became part of the main rts they got going right now.

If they can get the whole war3 campaign to work perfectly in SC2 then I’d be happy with all this. Just as long as they allow some of the basic SC2 quality of life options like the increased unit selection. That was the best part of the user made war3mod on the arcade, making a massive army you could control all at once.


Back in 2015 the Starcraft II editor got all the Warcraft III assets including related sounds and spell animations. They also included HD updates of the heroes. They did a Rock the Cabinet arcade contest with a Warcraft theme. But the editor never had the tools for standard WC3 mechanics like heroes with experience and inventories, upkeep, a day and night cycle, or water travel. To do those you had to script them yourself or borrow from someone else who had.

The SC2 editor never attracted the same kind of support as that of WC3 and a lot if mapmakers cited missing tools that helped make it user-friendly. So they made a lot of updates that also included mechanics for WC3 and DotA-style maps. There are other new features as well like extending the number of levels of cliffs from 3 to 15 and allowing you to move the players of a map straight to another upon completion.

The new SC2 editor features have nothing to so with the disastrous Reforged release. They were working on it long before last year’s BlizzCon.


ive been using SC2 editor throughout the 10 years… but why after 10 years they decided to make it easier lol

Somehow this doesn’t sound far fetched at all. Why even use War3 editor at this point, you can create a lot more stuff in sc2

It’s because of this rule:

Make everything as easy as possible to do and the product as easy as possible to do everything with.

Warcraft 3 editor does that pretty well. StarCraft 2’s editor did not and maybe still doesn’t. I haven’t tried the changes myself and it makes me wonder if Ctrl-C, ctrl-V works for creating new units in the data editor yet. And no, I don’t mean KINDA works. I mean I ctrl-c, ctrl-v, and it’s done. No reattaching actors or anything. Just a bona-fide new unit I can now place anywhere on the map and make changes to in the data editor without affecting the old one I copied.


^ Im used to their system in SC2 as it is now, usually actors and data gets auto-linked mostly if they use the same ID (unique name). Now they will improve the way data will look for matching data, so no actor/model/other data gets disconnected if not same ID.

I like they add remove ability, you could only hide existing ability so far, weird when in war3 editor you could remove abilities. Also more than 3 cliff levels that’s huge, you could make pits and hills that are treated as same ground level even if unit goes way high elevation.

All in all im weirded how SC2 editor has gone an entire - make war3 in SC2 engine , all changes are for that really. What does it mean? Screw War3 dev we move all to sc2? It makes Reforged look even more dead… it’s like kicking their own bucket. And why such changes 10 years later, many ppl have moved on lol

Unless they decide to port it over to SC2’s engine. There a lot less issues with SC2’s game service and a new engine is kind of what people were hoping back at the very beginning.

To port everything to SCII seems odd. It would be better to bring only the graphical improvements of SCII to reforged. Both games have different gameplay so i don’t see the point of merging their editors features or to merge both games. SCII and Warcraft 3 are very different games, only their genre is the same. Besides if people want to play Warcraft 3, why don’t they buy reforged or use a classic key to play It? To install SCII to play Warcraft 3 is nonsense hahaha.

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Yeah, it does seem like it would be a little much now that they have committed this much to Reforged.

Fusing the games is the best option. That shouldn’t mean not being able to play the original Warcraft III (Classic). It’s that you would have the choice to use the engine even further in the way StarCraft II offers.
Frankly, it’s a pain to recreate Warcraft III stuff in StarCraft II or StarCraft stuff in Warcraft III. It’s better we didn’t have to waste time on this but have them all in one place.

I can confirm that the easy mode for the Data Editor only works for the Warcraft III assets and not for the StarCraft II’s as well. But there is hope for the future.
As for the HD versions of the Warcraft III original assets, they are incomplete currently but look as a proper remaster. There’s also hope that these will be finished and improved.

What we need is proper info boxes for fields in the Data Editor so we’d know what we’re doing. Actor events are one of the most mind crippling thing. If they can simplify the copying and creation of all the parts of units and abilities (actors, effects, movers, models, weapons, behaviours…) then the Trigger Editor would only require more natives for the future since it pretty much looks simple like World Editor’s and it doesn’t require leak suppression and other annoyances.

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You know this might be a long shot of an idea but, what if they are working on merging the warcraft and starcraft editors to be one program?

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Nope. Not even remotely possible considering how different the two engines are and how they’re hardcoded. They can’t just do something like merge the editors together.

It’s like planting a tree and expected it to bear two kinds of fruit. It just doesn’t work that way. You want a different fruit you gotta plant a different tree.

They just have to port World Editor/Warcraft III to StarCraft II/Galaxy Editor.
Seeing that a lot, if not most of that was already done. They should complete the process.

If they merged Warcraft III into Starcraft 2 since Starcraft 2 can be downloaded for free all the owners of classic Warcraft III won’t be screwed out of having to pay for reforging to turn off reforging and play their classic game they already own that they have since been locked out of. Like SC2 is already structured campaigns can be done individually and there are a variety of game modes. Mashing the editors all together would make sense since the World Of Warcraft map editing can already be ported into Warcraft III and it would only make sense to smash all of them together and all use similar terrains.

i think we should be happy, this seems like a pretty good indication that a new WarCraft is in the works

I dont get it:

  • Most who didnt want to join SC2 map making did not like its difficulty, they left SC2 long ago for that.
  • People will make War3 maps in SC2?? is this what it is about? Look I still use a library of people who made an animated monitor system, an item system (as in use items libraries, Order Unit to use item, Set Item Charges remaining, that didnt exist in SC2)
  • All the SC2 features are oriented to make war3 maps, with hero systems like ‘strength agility hero’ etc and inventory yet I still have to use those community libs… because what they bring isnt what I need. Like I said that is like features only to make war3 maps in sc2, what for go on reforged, arent they splitting people even more to make war3 in sc2 than use war3 itself.

Now 10 years later Blizz decided to bring them back not during those years? For me SC2 editor is fine… only the too many fields cause freezes on windows, even so, I still prefer this SC2 detailed view than table view, lots of things missing on it and im used to SC2’s ‘hard’ way Idc about the new table or EZ mode of it.

No you are hallucinating an oasis in the desert

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