Saved Game Won't Load After Recent Patch


I am not able to access my custom save (not an automatic checkpoint). Not sure if that makes a difference. In fact, for any save slots, when I select one and click continue, it just stays on the campaign selection screen.

My guess is that this issue is due to the new patch? I never had this issue until I downloaded the new patch.

Does this mean all of my saves have been deleted?

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?



Yeah, I can’t load any game, either - autosave or manual save. It just stays sat on the same campaign screen. I’d blame the patch. I can’t imagine our saved games have been deleted.

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all of my campaign progress has been deleted , im pissed.,. i even had a manual saved campaign mission and it is deleted too

Hey all (and hello fellow Leviathan!),

Yesterday’s patch invalidated any saves from the previous versions. It’s something Bliz wants to do to players, but some fixes do change things enough that past data is rendered obsolete.

Because the last patch several weeks ago applied similar fixes, game saves were lost then as well.

Hello fellow Leviathan!
So you’re saying our saves are dead? So I’ll have to restart whatever campaign mission I’m on? Just to clarify. Thanks!

Unfortunately, yes.

It’s been especially hard on the Bonus campaign saves due to how long each Act is.

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I lost ALL of my campaign process. None of my saves work. Not autosaves, quicksaves or manual ones. All completion from the campaign selection screen is also gone.

Do you know if there is a fix/workaround to this?

The loss of the game saves isn’t completely unexpected since the first patch also invalidated them.

The campaign progress however, the last Bliz said about it, wasn’t supposed to be lost. But it was reset and there’s no way to get it back, unfortunately. But going forward, players may want to try backing up the files that track the campaign progress.

See here for possible ways to back up campaign progress: