Replace KotG lvl6 invuln with invis/hide?

Blizzard recently added 3 seconds of invulnerability to the KotG level 6 ability, Tranquility.

I think since KotG is night elf and has the ability to Hide, that it would make sense if the “3 seconds of invulnerability” for Tranquility was replaced with a brief duration of invisibility? This would be more interesting as it allows players an opportunity to counter with dust, wards, etc., and it also fits thematically with his race.

Or maybe KotG could have a special invisi that cant be countered by anything for 3 seconds, and if its nighttime he actually stays hidden during the entire time hes casting Tranquility (unless countered after the 3 seconds)

Would that be more or less balanced, or just pointless?

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It was added because otherwise the Ultimate was extremely bad since the enemy would instantly stun/silence/polymorph you out of it. Now you get at least 3 seconds of value from it per cast.

do people not read patch notes when they come out?

or before they make posts like this, do they go back to read patch notes to see why something was taken away/added to a spell/unit/hero?

like OP - you’re part of the problem…this is why blizz doesn’t read these forums and goes to places like reddit. stop crying about stuff and do some research man…

secondly, i remember when tranq was first buffed like 12 years ago to have a shorter duration - it was cuz the spell totally sucked on the same cd as starfall.

keeper isn’t overpowered cuz of tranquility. get real and get out of the sub 50% playerbase.

lmao neither of you understand what I suggested

this suggestion ^ here is to make him even stronger, I am suggesting a buff not a nerf

I know for a fact a lot of people think I have good suggestions lol

I’m just here trying to have conversation about the game and if you dislike or disagree thats fine but no need to be so rude

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you’re right that was a little harsh but - seriously, i don’t see why you’re complaining about what you’re complaining about.

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invuln shield is a spell paladins use, KotG is elf they hide

I’m not trying to “change the entire game” I’m just pointing out a small detail, and considering your overreactions its pretty pathetic you didnt even take the time to understand my post wasnt asking for KotG to get nerfed

it was just an attention to detail that his spell should thematically fit his race. again, its not a big deal

sometimes its alright to include less skilled players in order to grow our community and not let this game die, so lighten up

this is just one of those things that isn’t broken, so why fix it?

just like mg’s back in the day weren’t broken- but blizz “fixed” them by messing with cost and food cost…man just leave some stuff alone. Tom Cadwell did an excellent job balancing this game long ago - meta’s change i get it, but not everything needed a buff. dreadlord sleep, keeper entangle, rifle buffs, etc.

tranq is a pretty balanced spell. 3 seconds of invuln so that it doesn’t get stopped right away…if you ask me personally i think all channeled spells should get similar effects…because by the time you’re lvl 6 you have a handful of methods to stop them.

rip starfall, d&d, eq, etc.

I think he should be INVIS during full duration. Making Dust something to carry.

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