#Remove Tauren Totem

This adjustment aims to increase strategic flexibility and surprise elements in Orc gameplay, aligning more closely with the unit production diversity seen in other factions, such as Humans. Currently, Taurens being produced at the Tauren Totem on tier 3 makes their involvement in battle strategies highly predictable, reducing the element of surprise and tactical variability. Similarly, Spirit Walkers being produced at a dedicated building (the Spirit Lodge) instead of a more versatile structure limits strategic options.
Spiritwalkers also used to be in the Spiritlodge in the past with good reasoning.

In the current meta, Human players benefit from the unpredictability afforded by producing Knights, Riflers footies from the barracks and spellcasters (like Priests, spellbreaker and Sorceresses) from the Arcane Sanctum respectively, allowing for dynamic and adaptable strategies. By aligning Orcs’ production capabilities similarly—allowing Taurens and other units like Grunts and Headhunters manate from the same building (Barracks)—Orc players can similarly mask their strategic intents and react more fluidly to in-game developments. This would not only balance gameplay but also enhance the engagement by fostering less predictable and more diverse battle scenarios.

By adopting these changes, the Orc faction could leverage increased tactical diversity and adaptability, promoting a more balanced and strategically rich gameplay experience.

Yeah no, then we may as well remove spins wheel the sacrificial pit, ancient of lore, and the workshop, because clearly there are too many buildings, and this allows for… something.


Stop trolling ! Go and design other games , leave >20 years War3 as it is!

with such logic you should remove chimaera roost and move chims to ancient of wind also

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While you may not like it, every faction has 4 different structures to produce combat units. It isn’t uncommon to make a structure just to produce one type of unit, and this is not really a problem in WarCraft either, considering just how few structures you actually need to build a decent army in most games.

The only real problem is the question of whether Tauren are actually strong enough for players to justify incorporating them, their structure, and their upgrades into the army.