Reforged Campaign - Should boss fights have new Boss Mechanics?

Maybe something like this? small AoE nukes, big stasis fields, mirror images to spread damage and units spawns while the boss is fighting? This one from sc2 is perfect to deal with big armies [Solo] Abathur - Part & Parcel - Starcraft 2 Co-op (Brutal) - YouTube

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I didn’t say it added to the story. Mechanics are gameplay and is separate from story, so any argument that the story is gonna be changed or affected is not a good reason for or against new mechanics.

Kinda like saying movies should use practical FX because it tells a better story. That is irrelevant because the choice to use Practical or CG FX does not affect what is considered good storytelling. Its a tool for entertainment

The campaign is meant to be played just as a movie is meant to be watched. You could definitely make an argument that you prefer simple mechanics because you just want to enjoy the story and not the gameplay, but you cant turn that into a reason to not have improved gameplay. Its a non-reason, an excuse for opinion. Gameplay difficulty settings remove that argument entirely, proved by game which have ‘story modes’ in the form of low difficulty settings. That will exist regardless of boss mechanics.

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Yes, but let me guess, you would have seen no point to Blizzard remaking Stratholme either, correct?

I am aware of the opinion not to change on the basis of keeping things similar to the original, but we already have an example of Blizzard reinventing the wheel with new voices, new level design, and even adding subbosses. What hasn’t changed are spell abilities and the general RTS gameplay.

So honestly trying to make an argument that they shouldn’t reinvent the wheel is far beyond opinion at this point, it’s already being done.

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Should they enable the Phoenix in Lord of Outland? I believe, the abuse can be prevented by invisible walls that don’t let it fly around the Death Towers.

That demo was definitely not Reforged’s final form.

By the way, my instinctive urge against Triceron’s suggestion happened when he suggested spawning units when Magtheridon is invulnerable. But wait, now I’m watching Happy’s campaign walkthrough, and there in TFT, there are units appearing on the map! In Shards of the Alliance. They “get out” of the tunnel entrances.

I would love to. It would leave the meetings more fun and reformulated. For those who do not like the idea, there could be a “pure” campaign mode.

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My goal overall is to involve the player and the existing mechanics more than just a ‘use it on cooldown because you have it’. We spout how much the campaign is intended to teach you mechanics that are used in multiplayer, though we’re never given and rhyme or reason to use these abilities tactically.

Illidan has Mana Burn. Use this ability when enemy has Mana to do damage. Straight forward. But there’s no intent behind the design because bosses have huge mana pools and you’re just gonna be casting on cooldown until you’ve drained them, and that’s about it. Guess what happens in a real multiplayer game? That enemy is gonna chug a potion in order to cast spells. That enemy is going to use a potion of invulnerability to regen a bit of health and mana. That enemy is going to try and prevent you from Mana-burning them just to get a few spells off - something Magtheridon never does.

Ideally the campaign should involve mechanics that involve tactics, and not just tank and spank and watching health bars.

By all means, you can play on a harder difficulty setting right now and lose to the over-tuned enemy stats, but I don’t see how that is challenging the player since you don’t really have any tools to change the outcome. It’s not like choosing to Mana Burn at the right time or burning down some minion will actually change the outcome of the battle - It comes down to how many units you have surviving the entire mission until you got to Magtheridon.

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As an example, how would improved Melee AI change Magtheridon’s boss fight?

It’s literally him and a couple Demon Catapults against your entire army. I mean… would he start walking over to your ranged units instead? What would be different?

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AFAIK, enemy heroes in the FT campaign do use potions.