Quit ladder Because Joke Matchmaking

Yes. Valid feedback: There is no MM basically. I am trying all the modes frequently for 1 year now, 4v4, 3v3, 2v2, 1v1 - this is commonly known. (And not fixed at all now as of
But some do get “confused” by blizzard’s “MM”-news suggesting there was MM: Like the one from update 2.0.1. (and unfortunately supported indirectly by some kind of trolls) They write this way for marketing reasons , but since they are actively suggesting by their wording there was MM it’s not true what they write: The 2.0.1 patch was in truth only saying: You now get matched with people from your region more likely (Ping), but that’s it. Period.

Here a similar thread - not every answer adding ofc:

It’s said there, too about unbalanced match ups in any mode, be it up to level 250 vs 1 or all enemy higher MMR than even the highest of us, which happens all the time. (And don’t take some naysayers for real, they are in any forums nowadays, idk for fun or smth, if there is even Clans calling themselves this nowadays, sigh. ) FYI: Blizz were actively deleting some threads about the MM missing, thus obfuscating the casual readers and fans.

Yea screenshot every loading screen, and keep the ones where you notice it. I even save those replays in a dedicated folder where ~topic~ is the case. Of course saving good replays, too, cause those are rare - unless you are very good :slight_smile:

As for workarounds: You can find likeminded players in discords or elsewhere(…) for friendly matches and other(…).