PTR Version 1.36.1 Notes -- Updated November 9

What about the key changing function? And fast casting!

We need Warcraft 3 to add key changes and quick casting like League of Legends!

+3 main attribute to any hero on lvl1 is a huge change. Also small balance changes usually bad, you can check other games patch-notes like Dota, whenever complicated game ends up with huge patches they always bring more people into the game and whenever it’s small balance patch nerfing the strongest heroes it decreases overall population instead.

Hello - Can you add additional color mode options? I’d like to see one where I am my assigned color instead of blue. Then, allies are also their assigned colors while the enemy team is red. I’d like for a better way to identify myself and my teammates by colors. In 4v4 using the color mode that has everyone be their own colors is too chaotic. Another option would be to have one team always be the same 4 warm colors and the other team is the same 4 cool colors. That way you always know which color is on which team. Thanks!

every one forgot about the tinker ultimate. he gets full speed &full immunity for the whole rest of the game… perma lv 6 ultimate is a game breaking , it must have a time like 90 second notpermanent.

also orb of venom is the only orb that stacks… this is not fair

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In Ranked Ladder Random Team can you prevent arranged teams from participating in the RT ladder? Or, at least limit it to 2 players being an AT but not 3 or a whole team. Huge unfair advantage. Thanks! Oh, and review reported players so we can get rid of mass leavers, griefers and team killers. Thanks!

Hi. Thanks for your work on the game and listening to feedback.

I think orb of venom is too strong… and orb of venom stacking with itself seems like a bug. I hope you can look at it.

Shamans purging Water elementals in 2 purges, both at level 1 and level 2 water elementals, makes water elementals feel underpowered against Orc once Tier 2 and Shamans come out.

Maybe you could consider lowering Purge damage to 300, since Shamans have been buffed in previous patches. This would leave level 2 water elementals with 25 hp left after 2 purges.

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Is this also going to address the bug in custom campaigns where making changes to what abilities a hero has in the campaign object data isn’t seen in the maps during gameplay? For example, I made a custom campaign with the prologue campaign maps, added Attribute Bonus to Thrall (as well as the corresponding ability skin), made sure each map’s data was set to latest patch, and made sure the new ability was allowed in the map’s ability tab, but in game Thrall still does not have attribute bonus.

Bad. Doing macro changes to human and a ridiculous mk bash buff that’s just stupid instead of buffing their units. Just overbuffed orc and made bears stronger though… Just bad not even addressing the other nonsense. You guys need to just stop

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Can you confirm with screenshots? What was your FPS before?

I think it should sacle with level, just not as much. This is also a nerf to early game vs heroes, as well. Maybe make it 2/3/4 and 1/2/3 instead. remember: it was 2 seconds always, making it only 1s vs heroes at lv1 is actually a nerf, even if its stronger later.

Frankly I don’t think it matters much at all. In most cases, either i’ve dealt with the threat or all my peasants are dead well within 40 seconds, and the longer duration can also be inconvenient when you use militia to make the peasants move faster to build an expo somewhere. So I don’t see this as a buff. Humans are one of the lower win rate races right now, so SOMETHING is needed.

Staff of Teleportation now has a stock of 2 charges in the shop

Hell no. This is already one of the most overpowered items in the game. Why make it easier to get them?

Please guys. We do appreciate the patch, but can you please at least post some rationale for balance changes from here on out so we know where you’re trying to go / what issues you’re trying to address?

My FPS on live with all settings low for the highest fps possible
Same settings on the new PTR patch 1.36.1

I get much better performance on this patch than live. It’s even slightly better than the previous PTR patch.

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Is that Classic or Reforged? That’s a crazy difference. There must have been something seriously wrong like a memory leak. I wish they would tell us what the problem is exactly.

Make fun changes.

Thank you Kaivax for the update. We love that you are showing interest in a game that needed love and attention.

Mountain King’s bash is busted having a +100 damage bonus. MK was already unbalanced at the beginning and now hes even more busted. Can you buff paladin’s because they’re really annoying to play as. Everyone uses paladin last in most games, heal’s Range can be buffed? or perhaps a few other changes to paladin would be nice.

Dreadlord sleep cooldown needs to be increased. Warden blink cooldown needs to be increase. Thanks.


cuz you see it all the time that 2 heroes stand at a shop to grab the staff when it becomes available, but only one can get it. theres no skill involved who gets it, its just pure ping or luck. similar to boots of speed back in the day.
The change is good

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some urgently necessary fixes compared to the first ptr, some fun ideas as well. but overall barely adressing existing issues in the meta

Here’s my take for Necromancer changes because it seems the devs are trying to get them used.

The main issue with Necromancers is their slow movement speed. It’s not actually the speed of the Necromancers that is slow, but that they must rely on the Meat Wagon to Raise Dead and the Meat Wagon moves at 220 speed, which is really, really slow.

If your army moves at 220 speed, you just can’t play this game. You won’t be able to creep as fast as your opponent. It will take a long time to reach your opponent’s base. It takes a long time to run back home if he’s killing your workers. You will be kited all day by your opponent. You cannot play this game with an army that moves at 220 speed.

The solution then is simple: increase Meat Wagon speed from 220 to 270

This then allows Necromancer armies to actually move like every other army in the game. This makes them playable. 270 too fast? No, not actually. In fact, we already have a siege unit that moves at that speed and it does NOT break the game: the Mortar Team. If Human’s siege unit moves at 270 and doesn’t break the game, it is then logical that the Meat Wagon can also move at 270 and not break the game.

The change then should also be applied to the Demolisher and the Glaive Thrower to be fair to Orc and Elf. Glaive Thrower however is available at T1, so you’d have to test to see if that is too powerful or not. If it is, consider keeping it at 220 speed and then increasing it to 270 after the T2 Vorpal Blades upgrade.

Next, I’d like to change Unholy Frenzy back to how it used to be:

  • Unholy Frenzy now does 4/s damage from 2/s damage

As a Necromancer player, UF was great to use as an offensive spell against non-combat units like Priests or Wisps. By weakening the damage, you are making the spell one-dimensional and less powerful. Please revert the change back to 4/s damage so it can used more offensively. It would make it a much more versatile and flexible spell instead of only being used one way.

Try these two changes please that are easy to do and don’t require a ton of coding. Test it on PTR.

with such logic, mortar team must be 290 or at least 280. Because its not t1 + and human have not movespeed auras. Orc and ud have it, because t2 and 220. NE doesnt and thay get glaivethrowers at t1. And human? T2, no speed auras. Thats why 270. With your changes human wil be again worst of all - t2, no speed auras and same base speed
Even 3 limit wagons will be better