Profile Lifetime stats

Hi team,

I suppose this is ongoing for a while already, but could you please update us if the topic is being addressed or at least on the list (havent found it on ‘Know Issues’ thread)

In short, despite playing several hundred games, my lifetime stats shows 0W 1L. I suppose this refers to some other region games that i played years ago, however for last 2 years i played Europe only and these stats do not move at all.

thanks, P

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Also there are reports to be found that are older and older about this issue and still nobody reacted. sadge. My profile Shiblinski#2667 also says 0-3, although I played hundreds of games since release of W3 Reforged… the issues is there since release of reforged, seems like many people have this issue… but still not fixed.

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Holy spam bot

this is not a spam, i have the same problem with stats on EU server aka NikoMalick#2811. I hope Devs will do something with that.