Please do not change the original Lore!

The War3 tradition is perfect if you analyze it in isolation. But after War3, like it or not, he has 15 years of knowledge in WoW.

WoW has flaws in lore reviews. Terrible failures! But some points needed to be changed in War3 so as not to look like we’re talking about games with different universes. The universe of Warcraft needs a minimum of cohesion in its different titles. The example I gave about Maiev’s dialogue in Suramar portrays this.

Sometimes, this is like writing a book: If you are going back to the previous chapters, always modify something. Never ends. maybe Blizzard needs to stop, but for that you need to align everything in a unique way to tell the story.

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No, they need to make WOW separate canon. It’s literally a completely different game, therefore it should be different canon, a universe the players interact in based off of the Warcraft universe where the story changes as the players demand.

Warcraft however needs to ignore WOW.

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I find this hard to believe. You’re telling me that if you went back to revisit a 16 year old test you took, you wouldn’t answer some questions differently?

They wouldn’t need to change Warcraft 3’s story if it wasn’t for WOW’s retcons.


Reforged is not a different game, in a parallel universe.
It’s a remastering of a classic game, and Blizz saw the possibility of “fixing” some holes in the story.

I do not agree to change the game, but some dialog events that I think should be fixed!

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You didn’t get it, that’s okay. I’ll even give you a freebie on this rebound. Throw World of Warcraft out of the window for a minute. It doesn’t exist in our reality anymore. So I’m interested, again, in your answer -

If I was in charge of writing Warcraft 3’s story. I’d be focusing on the conflict between the Burning Legion and the Scourge, something that WOW completely forgot about.

It would be nothing like WOW, Sylvanas would be on her own, no horde to save her, Kel’thuzad would be in conflict with her and Varimathras, Aszhara would play a bigger part too.

I’m not going to go into detail on headcanon but let’s put it this way, even Blizzard wouldn’t do what they did in WOW if they just went to make a warcraft 4.

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Reforged is being altered to match the original “Azeroth” maps. As we saw in a presentation during a BlizzCon.

If Reforged ignore WoW, then none of this can be done. If so, Reforged will be just a cheap remastering of War3.

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Dog, it’s a yes or no question.

How is it a cheap remaster without the alterations? All they need to do is remake the exact same maps in Warcraft 3 but with newer models and new cinematics… thats all we need.

The answer is yes obviously.

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Okay, so even without a World of Warcraft in this alternate Earth reality we now live in. Blizzard going back to a 16 year old game would probably want to do some stuff differently.

With that established, let’s hop back to Earth Prime. Where in those 16 years, a lot of stuff has happened to the series. With 16 years of an MMO, two card games, 31 novels, various graphic novels/comics/manga, and a plethora of short stories. Kind of puts it in context why they want to have a ‘modern’ take on Warcraft lore. Fit puzzle pieces together rather than still having a mixed, not-quite-matching set.


Thats why Warcraft 4 should be a separate canon.

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Putting the War3 campaign maps more loyal to what we’ve been playing in WoW for over a decade is a success, in my opinion.

It leaves everything more organized, more original, more uniform.

Seeing Stratholme “original” in War3 was beautiful! Looking forward to seeing the other maps.

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Was there a problem with Warcraft 3? If not then don’t change it.

Don’t fix what ain’t broke.

I never wanted, nor needed this change. I want it to look like the original map in Warcraft 3.

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They aren’t making a Warcraft 4 right now, they’re making Warcraft 3: Reforged.

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I know but a Warcraft 4 is a possibility, they could be gauging interest.

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Cool, we’re talking about Reforged right now.

You did reply to the first one, but you didn’t on my last reply before this…

I guess you got too busy with KingOmelette… :sweat_smile:

for this there is still the classic version of War 3, and will continue to exist. You can play war3 at will.
Reforged, as essential word, is a reformulated version.

And we need to keep the lore the same as Warcraft 3 so that Warcraft 4 takes place after Warcraft 3 and doesn’t continue into WOW.

Maybe so, you can post it again but I’m kinda multitasking at the moment.

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