Please do not change the original Lore!

Deciding which one of the two campaigns is canon doesn’t take away the universe credibility. They had to stick with one story so the lore could move on. It has nothing to do with all the changes that were made in WoW, such as the Forsaken siding with the Horde, the Draenei and Eredar, warlocks using demonic magic under the nose of priests, paladins, druids and shamans, Death Knights becoming the good guys (plus, the mere idea of Draenei or Tauren Death Knights is hilarious), Kael’thas becoming an evil junkie, the rewriting of Aegwynn’s story, Sylvanas becoming the leader of the Horde, and so on.

The ultimate argument: it’s magic so it doesn’t matter if it’s incoherent. You already used it recently, but my answer will be the same: even in a fantasy universe, magic can’t explain everything and the universe still needs to be believable and coherent.


Jaina goes from pupil investigating a plague to battling undead to the frontline against the Burning Legion and then Archimonde himself in the final battle. She cuts her teeth pretty quick in Warcraft 3 alone, not counting future novels/short stories/World of Warcraft.

Be the prince in a society where magic permeates their everyday life to the point of having a giant font of it deep in their lands called the Sunwell. Note that being the prince of that society and future king to be, it’s probably a fair assumption to think he got all the practice and reinforcement for arcane arts he could’ve gotten.

Yeah but 10,000 years ago he was a sorcerer. If he was so good that warranted him getting such heavy guard from Maiev’s watchers and released by Tyrande because she thinks ONE person can help them that much, how come he still has to go eat a mortal orc warlock’s skull to throw down with a dreadlord?

I want you to take this quote and get it printed on a shirt because there you go. That’s why they’re making a “Reforged” version of the campaign for this release.

Unless the script says otherwise, which is usually the big trump card.

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They picked one of the two stories. They didn’t change the whole coherence of the story or the universe.

But we get it, you like retcons. You enjoy the lore being altered every once in a while, the characters changing their personalities and the events telling different stories all the time. Well, some of us like coherence and consistency.

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Oh dear you have quite a lot of problems with character development… Particularly Sylvanas… Also you have some… Uhmmm PROBLEMS!!

Look No matter how strong and shove us your opinion is, there’s nothing you can do on changing “their” minds, if you don’t like what they do to some characters? Then get over it, If you didn’t liked what they did with the story on WoW due to gameplay reasons, don’t play it then, simple as that, not you complaining here over some little things and making this thread even longer… :roll_eyes:

Oh and look, awww they inevitably change the WC 3 story you really love?!, even though it’s just for the sake of updating it, then I believe you should just stay and play the old WC 3 game… :roll_eyes::smirk:

Which is why they’re making an updated version (that you don’t have to buy) of an almost 16 year old game.


Why do people continue to assume that the Dreadlords are so weak? I don’t get it…

Where is your evidence that Illidan is stronger than Tichondrius without the skull of gul’dan? He’s a demon hunter sure, but that can mean anything, how good of a demon hunter is he? That’s the question, even the best demon hunters have theit limits and Tichondrius was a high ranking member of the Legion for a reason. Plus let’s not forget that Illidan was tutored by Rhonin… so he was written to be weaker than Rhonin…

Jaina was on the front lines… sure and gameplay wise it may be possible to win with Jaina still standing but canonically Jaina was forced to pull back because she didn’t stand a chance against the hordes of demons.

Rhonin on the other hand was decimating demons like no tomorrow.

I never said Kael was not powerful but he has yet to prove himself to be a mary sue like Rhonin, that’s not knocking Kael’s character, I think it’s good that Kael isn’t flawless.

Yeah that’s a great idea, instead of cleaning the dog poop up off the floor, just cover it up with a carpet… it will be fine…

Not true, the smell of dog poop still lingers…

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Homie I need you to hit the rewind button and reread. I didn’t say he was. I pointed out that for a 10,000+ year old sorcerer he still needed a relic to take down a dreadlord. I was saying the opposite, Tichondrius was that strong.

But bringing Warcraft canon up to speed isn’t “covering” it. Especially if it’s not like they’re making a new World of Warcraft expansion to try and wave things off but instead go back with a remake like Reforged. They’re turning the clock back to, again, iron things out.

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Which they are going to retcon, using a retconned game. You can’t be serious.
WoW has retcon issues, Warcraft 3 doesn’t, or almost. Just don’t bring retcons to Warcraft 3.

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I mean, take it or leave it? It’s not up to me. They were kind of clear about what Reforged was from the start or near enough after the announcement.

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Then if Illidan needed a relic, that doesn’t make him like Rhonin at all. You have to remember what it actually is that I was arguing. I was arguing that Rhonin is a Mary Sue, Illidan is an edgelord but not necesarrily a mary sue, there’s a differrence. If Illidan was a mary sue he would have got together with Tyrande back in the War Of The Ancients, he didn’t.

Rhonin gets together with Vereesa out of thin air, there we go, mary sue.

Oh and Rhonin is mentally wrestling with Man’ari eredar warlocks… (Man’ari eredars being a more intellectually powerful race than humans) and wins.

As for Reforged covering up, they’re trying to justify the horrible retcons of WOW, they know the stories don’t connect but instead of fixing WOW, they choose to ruin Warcraft 3 instead.

What they should be doing is keeping the entire story of Warcraft 3 the same and continuing with Warcraft 4 as a separate canon to World Of Warcraft without all the retcons.

He’s the ‘woe is me my true love rejected me’ 10,000 year old sorcerer that was so strong and to be feared that he got a prison wing all to himself. So strong and to be feared that the leader of the night elf forces thought he alone could be a huge boon against the Burning Legion. Also that same individual is the one person he loves. Yeah not a little bit of a standout character at all.

Ah yes, the Ghostbusters argument.

Just because a new thing comes out doesn’t mean it goes back and stomps on the thing you like. Ghostbusters 1984 didn’t go anywhere just like the 2002 Reign of Chaos and 2003 Frozen Throne campaigns are still going to be around.

Heck if we want another example, boohoo Diablo 3 isn’t the game people wanted. Diablo: Immortal isn’t the game people wanted. If only there was a game like Diablo 2 people could still play…

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It’s insulting, that’s the point. It’s only going to cause more confusion so that nobody will understand/accept the original lore anymore because Blizzard change it, they’re going to retcon the entirety of Warcraft 3 and Warcraft 3’s original lore will be considered headcanon, just like how Sargeras being corrupted by the Dreadlords is not counted as headcanon when it was canon years back.

And Illidan is an edgelord… I think that kinda speaks for itself really. Sargeras did give him power after all… if Sargeras of all people gives you power, you’re going to be strong.

Yes, but we’re still allowed to express our opinions, right? :slight_smile:


I think some tabs are necessary for the story.
I doubt the blizzard will change the history of Warcraft 3, but rather specific points correct, many of them we already know.
But we’re only going to have a base on the Beta test.

Nothing needs to change in Warcraft 3’s story, it’s perfect as it is. Why Blizzard need to change it is beyond me…

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Or less confusion because Reforged is probably going to expand the Warcraft 3 playerbase as a whole again (though we’ll see about retention) and yeah, a fair few folks will be coming from World of Warcraft to see stuff like Arthas’ fall, the forming of the Forsaken, the night elves’ first appearance in the series, Thrall’s exodus, the rise of the blood elves, etc.

It’s just kind of coming off to me that you might have been the kid on the playground that never wanted to give anyone else a turn on the swing. At the end of the day, the old Warcraft games in a self-contained thing are fine. But this is a series that celebrated its 25th anniversary last year and spans 3 genres in the video game department alone. Factor in all… 31 novels of the main universe (excluding the two AU movie stuff, the prequel and novelization). The comic book runs it’s had. The mangas it’s had.

I think Blizzard is - hold your breath I’m gonna get accused for shilling or being a Blizzard agent here - blameless when it comes to wanting to have the undertaking of unifying all the story. However that doesn’t make them immune to criticism and it’s a little early on the trigger pull to get up in arms about Reforged rewrites or additions when we don’t even know specifically what they are yet.

Totally. I just find, in my own opinion, some other people’s opinions to be goofy and over the top.

WOW Players don’t want to play Warcraft 3… if they did, they’d be playing it right now.

Most WOW players don’t give a damn about storytelling anyways, why cater to them? Cater to the fans!!!

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Which is totally not why BFA is being raked over the coals for both game design design decisions and the major story beats plus the overall direction of the story.

To make money by piquing their interest and having them buy Reforged.

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Mephistroth completely ignored my reply… Oh well, “Me grabs snacks and reads the comments :sunglasses:

And one thing is for sure, I’ll say, look how all divided we are?! That’s why we can’t have nice things, welp oh well…

On a serious note, I’ll say it again, I noticed, Why is Blizzard fans are very hard to please? Because despite their efforts of making the community satisfied, they will only notice the bad ones they’ve done… Guess you really can’t please everyone…

And the unending war between The Alliance, Horde, Scourge and Night Elves, as they clash with their opinions continues…

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What reply? I responded to all your posts… If they didn’t retcon the hell out of Warcraft 3 with WOW, this thread wouldn’t exist.

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