Once again, game saves wiped out from the latest update

rly ? Had a 2 min left save on last RoC undead campaign mission on hard difficulty >.<

Yeah, and what happens when you try to load a saved game, it simply does nothing, doesn’t tell you the file isn’t compatible, nothing, it simply doesn’t load, and remains on the same screen.

You can start your latest level over, but with the default items, none of the items previously collected carry over when you do that.


If you start from campaign menu you have items you got until last mission, was the case for me last time, didn’t test it for now.

Rly? Didn’t for me. I just checked, because I literally found out about today’s update right as I finished a mission. So, as you said I can load the next mission, but the inventory is not what I had, or ever had. Some of the items are the same, only in different numbers, but other items have replaced items I did have, and I now have one empty slot, which I have not had since the first mission.

Just checked, save broken, but items are all ok when I restart mission.

If you load the mission through a mission already started, you get an error message behind the menu UI, something like :

‘The file needed by the save is different from the file you have on your hard drive’.

I’m sure this mission even hadn’t change in this patch, surely some stupid subrutine who does a ‘touch’ on all campaign maps…


Olá amigos(A) Desculpem-me entrar no meio desse diálogo! Mais aconteceu exatamente comigo! Exatamente como a Daniela vós escreve!
Eu estava bem avançado na Fase de Durotar! e hoje quando fui logar, iniciei no inicio da 2ª fase, ou seja um retrocesso de horas, pós antes de terminar o jogo e salvar o mesmo, eu estava bem forte, fiz várias vezes a missão dos Boss’s, cheguei a ficar level 12+ com os Personagens, e agora voltei-me no jogo e estou level 8, por sorte os itens da fase anterior estão todos lá! Mais tudo o que foi realizado nesta fase antes de conclui-la foi perdida! que chateação, perdi cerca de 2 horas ficando forte e fazendo todas as missões! não imaginei que a Blizzard deixasse passar um Bug desses!? Que triste, não há mesmo como conseguir reaver o último Save?
Joseph Balton.

Yep. Was 2 hours into the first Rexxar mission. 2 hours I’ll never get back.

Been putting it off for a while, knew this could happen, yet here we are.

Think I’m gonna call it. I’ve played WC3 plenty of times over the decades; I’m not losing anything by shelving it until this game is actually playable again. Can’t justify putting in any more time when a ninja patch could come at any time and wipe out my progress.

Really disappointed. Been progressively quitting Blizzard games the past few years. Maybe this game will be worthwhile… one day.


That’ll show Blizzard, they still have your money.

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I’m having a blast with the Trials of Mana demo

They still gonna have it if I refund it. Payed with Currencycard so Refund will only get Balance that I should spent for what? WoW Subscription is still running 5 Months. In StarCraft and Diablo I got everything already. Hearthstone is getting to gready for myself. HotS is uninteressting for me cause I do not like MOBAs. Same for Overwatch but there I got everything with Ground Game cause I am not a fan of Skins. So I could only use it either to buy the new CoD or for Microtransactions in WoW.

Well looks like unless you have good pc you can enjoy war3. I never lost campaign progress saved files are there and this image proves it. https://i.imgur.com/wx91xEh.jpg

I don’t know why it’s happening to you guys but for me I never have issues with that kind of problems. I only had few desync in january

I don’t think it’s a matter of the game saves being present or not. It’s that they won’t load up.

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I just checked that yes. Saved games from the campaign is lost but not chapter progress. When a new patch comes it’s different version of the game. You can’t just load your old saved games. It’s the modern platform that binds Reforged to the Blizzard App. Every update you might lose saved games

I have a great PC, running i9 7940x and dual GTX2080ti. It isn’t deleting the files, they simply no longer work, the game will no longer load from your previous save files.

Every other game that has released recently, with every patch comes a notice that it is going to import your save files, and that once done your save files will no longer work with previous versions of the game. I have not run into a single instance where your previous save files are made obsolete with every new patch release, that would be suicide for any game that gives an option of saving progress.

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Same thing happened to me, had to replay the mission TT

The incompatibility of save games and replays is something that has always been present in WC3. Not sure for every single patch and saves, but surely for replays.
The real problem is that once you could cope with it, because, well, a new patch just meant improvements in game and bugfixes and they were needed like just once a year at most.
Now it is just a mess of desyncs after another, with dubious “improvements” and a classic game that is left to die.
I have seen the patches of this game since towers had 4 different damages (1.0).
Never seen anything like this, besides alpha versions of other games.


Maybe a little too late for this patch, but I will leave this for your future knowledge. You can just turn off automatic updates on Battle.net for Wc3 and when the app will be trying to force on you the update (without it, launching game and world editor will be impossible), you can just make shortcut to Warcraft III.exe with added command “-launch” to its target.


Thank you very much for that! While helpful in a pinch, for sure, Blizzard should fix this, at least have the ability to import the previous saves, like so many other recent games do. I literally have not seen a game that makes all previous saves useless following every update patch.



Right. Because future money loss from millions of former Blizzard fans is nothing…