Ok now i really want a refund, still no ladder?

Seriously. You couldn’t hire ONE developer to do this over the last 9 months?

even EA couldn’t pull this kind of $$$$ off


It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. The game doesn’t have enough money, so you force them to give you $30. Hmmmmm

They have enough money


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dude why they should make ladder since the game is still a mess… random disconnections, unbalanced teams, and rt vs at and so forth

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just play w3champions… there is all u need

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I wish I just refunded when this garbage first came out. We’ve all been waiting almost a year now for a basic ladder and profiles, which already existed. Not sure why they felt the need to ruin this awesome game. But this company has become pathetic, I will never give them a cent again

Mate, while that’s true, if you love the game, you can still play w3champions.