More options for rally points

So obviously, everyone here is familiar with rally points, each building gets their own rally point. But what if we had more option? What if we could change the rally point for each individual unit. For instance, UD crypt could have ghouls, go to lumber, feinds go to your army.

I feel like this is somthing that could be added with ease and wouldnt effect the overall balance of the game, while giving players more options.

It will give economical advantage to UD, since other races have only one gatherer, and simply grouping your units into piles of footies and boomies won’t be worth it. So, from balance point of view: NO.

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Sorry, but i fail to see how it gives UD any “economic advantage” what so ever. It gives them a small minor convience.

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Er… other races have only one gatherer regardless, so this idea doesn’t change that. If you think that’s an economical advantage, then it’s one that already exists in the game and is not affected by this idea whatsoever.

Changing rally points doesn’t give an economical advantage. It gives a slight convenience to macro, since you won’t have to manually change rally points after you’ve made enough ghouls for lumber.

As for the the idea itself, I don’t think it’s necessary since you’re not going to ever need to use multiple rally points after you’ve produced enough lumber ghouls. Kinda like adding an automatic rally point from Necropolis to Gold Mine; you don’t really need it since all you’re making is a couple extra acolytes.


I agree its not a nessesary change. Tho I think its use could be more than just UD, for units like gyros, bats, and gargs, I would have them grouped with their own, and the other units, from those buildings, would be grouped with the main army.

And maybe I would have all ranged units go to my ranged hero, and all melee units go to my melee hero. Idk im just spitballing here, could be a utterly useless change, or it could be really hepful to someone.


I’d rather have this feature -


It’s a nice to have, but overall the simplicity of rally points is key to their use. You select a building, you rightclick a rally point, that’s it.

I think having a rally point for each unit actually complicates it more. So instead of rightclick how does it work? Do you have to click each unit icon then rightclick the area? Do you have a different hotkey for each rally point? What if you wanted classic Rally points, is there still a way to rally all?

In my mind, I see this as being more clicks than necessary. Every game. Then on top of this there’s more chance of human error, like rallying the wrong unit type and suddenly all your Gyros are at home while your Mortars are slowly trying to cross the map to your army-that-needs-AA.

Overall it seems the simplest solution is having two workshops, each with a different rally point. It’s not out of the ordinary to have multiple production buildings anyways.

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Wouldnt be complicated at all. It would normal by default, and if you wanted changw for a particular unit, click the flag, the the unit you wanna change, then select where you want him to go. It would be simple. But its not like it matters cause im sure this will never be added. For topics I actually feel need a change. Im waiting for more refodged news. Until then, im just throwing ideas at the wall.

And simply place all hero abilities on QWED :slight_smile:

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like this?

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Exactly, i find it much better and faster to cast this way then dancing with one hand over the whole keyboard.