If i change pc do my campaign portraits disappear?

It’s as Levi stated, there is no cloud sync for campaign, custom game files, replays, etc. which are all stored locally. The only information stored with your account is your online profile data and cumulative count of wins for each race for the multiplayer icons.

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There really isn’t cloud for synchronizing progress? I have other gaming platforms and I think this is the first time this has happened to me.
So what can I do to keep the campaign portraits? Can transcribing saved files from one pc to another work? If it works, do you know in which folder to save these files?
However blizzard should think about implementing a cloud service, it is very convenient for gamers.

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Honestly, using the “allyourbasearebelongtous” cheat to clear all the missions real quick is perfectly valid to reacquire those portraits if you want.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but all the data is stored in Warcraft 3 folder in Documents. So if you save a copy of it, you should keep the progress.

That’s because the only purpose of moving to Battlenet 2.0 is to prevent people to be able to play the game^^

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Can we ask developers/admins if this feature will be implemented/cloud sync in a future?

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I disagree… It takes quite some time to load every mission, enter the cheat and go to the next mission. If you make it with 30 secs per mission, which is quite fast I guess, but also depends on your hardware, you still need need ~30 minutes to complete the whole campaign like that…

fix the game or stop pretending to be a MOD

This game is a re-release of a 20 year old game, before “cloud sync” was really a thing. Since they had to maintain “compatibility” for existing players and accounts, they couldn’t really change the way they store data and handle game saves and such.

I mean, you only need to do it once. You could also keep your own game saves, load them up to reduce the time further.

Like I said. This game originates from a simpler time. The Cloud is actually a rather recent thing.

What are you on about?

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True, it is always a hassle that does take some time, but like CaptainJack said, once it’s done you don’t need to do it again on that PC. Small time investment in the grand scheme of things, but one that shouldn’t have to be a thing.

It’s stupid. I beat the entire campaign on hard without cheats and when I got a new PC it was all gone. Ridiculous

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They didn’t implement the cloud saving for old fashion sake and compatibility issues, but they took the time to:

Remove the old normal hosting.
Force you to log every now and then.
Enforce useless updates.
Implement a deleterious way to show custom maps, to make hack easier.
Implement an even more deleterious way to mislead hosts with player names.

wow… they really wanted to preserve the old fashion game…

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Don’t forget they also removed custom campaigns.

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I mean every other update was “enforced” too. It’s not like it’s unusual to require people to have the latest version. Crap update, yes. But patching has never really been optional unless you didnt want to play online.

But whats this stuff about making hacking easier? Can you prove that it’s happening?

If you look at the custom maps list, you don’t see the filenames anymore. You just see a list of “map names”. If you have 2 different files of which 1 contains a hack you won’t see any difference when hosting it. Or is it changed now?

You do see the filenames if you don’t have the map. So if someone edited a map (not really hacking…) you will see the filename because you don’t have the map.

If you accidentally join lobbies with alternate versions of maps, its a good idea to just go into your map folder and delete all the extra copies. Then, knowing this fact, you can avoid recieving altered versions of maps.

I can understand the absence of cloud but I don’t see how it is possible the absence of account that saves the progress that unlocks the portraits.

I started playing starcraft 2 in 2010 and have changed many PCs since then but the progress has always stayed in my account.

WC3 had enormous potential, it is really a shame to see that the basic stuff is missing.

The road was already cleared, a mix of what was already there in wc3 the frozen throne and the good things that had been done with sc2 (ladder, portraits, clan support, unit skin, tournaments, profile statistics …).

Cloud saves are not out of the question for Reforged.

SCR, which was released 3 years earlier than WC3R, had a primitive cloud save feature added to it. From what I’ve seen so far, it saves settings, hotkeys, collection loadouts, and saved games (although there is some wonkiness with the saved games because it doesn’t take profiles into account when deciding to upload to the cloud or not).

I think the absence of cloud functionality in Reforged is more a result of the unfinished, rushed out release. We know the devs had more plans for Reforged a month before the project was scrapped (i.e. the news blog showcasing profiles). It’s possible cloud saves were on the docket, so it possibly could still be implemented… once the mess is cleaned up.

As long as the file structure hasn’t changed since release, and that the achievements are saved alongside the campaign progress, a workaround can be found here:

PSA - Backing up Campaign Progress