I don't like realistic art style (this post was downvoted when reforged was announced.)

Warcraft was never like this in art style. It was cartoony bright and over the top. Now it looks like a different game. And actually if you put two game side to side original WarCraft even looks more solid than reforged.

And even if you decided to change the style make this new style BETTER. Right now units and building and terrain don’t match each other. Art style all over the place… building are just gray boxes, footmen and knights mess of metal.


Thank god you’re not a game developer


WarCraft 1 and 2 was cartoony. Wow is cartoony, Heartstone is cartoony, WarCraft adventures was cartoony.
And right now the style is not serious, its not cartoony its just shallow… and bland.


The current art style is cartoony - have you even watched the gameplay trailer? It burns your retinas its so cartoony


Random humans are mostly suffering from this compared to other race’s i’d vote to say tweak the humans art style to be better.

because compared to orcs for example the orc grunt looks much better then the human footmen and it’s easily identified as a grunt on spot. but the footmens and especially the knights look like a blob of metal at distance.

And why then you arguing with me if you like cartoony warcraft style?

Because its nothing to do with realism - the only issue is readability which can be fixed WITHOUT REMOVING realism.


watching some of the vids on youtube - apparently you can go back to the original cartoony visuals…so you have a choice which is great!


I don’t like cartoony graphic. Blizzard needs to make big difference on wc3 or people won’t play. I wouldn’t play wc3 reforged if there’s not a lot of changes from original.


If they did cartoon graphics again, we could all go play heroes of the storm which is free or Armies of Azeroth sc2 mod or stick to the original War3.

Warcraft has always looked more realistic in the movie and cinematics. Its a neat direction and not totally unseen, just not visited in game yet.


No more cartoony art style. PLEASE. We are past that stage, and speaking as an artist, the new models look amazing. The terrain and tile textures just need a bit of touch up to match with the models and everything will just work out.


i think the game looks amazing, cant wait to see how better the game looks in the coming months :smiley:

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You are in no way obligated to play the new version , if you dont like something and you dont have a solution to a problem you are free to play the old version.


I dont like the texture art style so much now - so many dirty weird textures, they should just copy heroes of the storm but with high poly slightly more realistic proportions.

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Thank god you’re not a game developer

Now repeat what you said. it is because of people like you reforged failed!


Take a look at the forum. The art style has nothing to do with why this game failed. The graphics are good.


I would have prefered a HoTS art style for the characters. But honestly it doesn’t matter since the animations are so god awful anyway