Human is OP please nerf

Morts, MK, Copters, and worst of all, Siege tanks. If u disagree ur blind or are new to the game


Yes human race is currently overpowered and hopefully the balance patch team will take a serious look into MK Thunder Clap, its aoe diameter is large, has fast cool down, ridiculous amount of slow debuff and outrageously no damage cap. Right now Night Elf has no counter to it, in the past DH used to be the counter but after 3 ridiculous nerfs to DH, (mana burn cost increase by 10 mana, agility -1, metamorphosis reduce by 15 seconds and 1 direct buff to the base movement speed of MK, DH has difficulty going near MK and is no longer the counter to it. DH might be able to be still on par with MK at level 3 but once both MK and DH reach level 5, MK will totally destroy DH with constant Thunder Clap and Storm Bolt. With Human tier 3 unit composition of mortar teams, priests and riflemen, Night Elf has no answer or counter play. Gosh, I can’t even imagine what the anti healing fire orb buff and sundering blade to knights in the coming patch will further do to the Night Elf.


Humans are not OP. play better.


what kind of game are you playing where an MK has mana to both clap and storm bolt constantly against a DH?


Every game with MK in it! Duh!!

Human race is currently overpowered in solo to team game, even ffa human is the top race and the top choice.

Watch all the recent tournaments of top night elf vs human and tell me if you see MK singlehandedly changed the outcome of the game.

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Blizzard (and every other competitive game) will only balance a game based on the top players. If Humans are imba, go ahead and tell Infi or keep your secret and participate in tournaments. A lot of money on the line


Learn to play.

MK does nothing vs dryads and air. DH is very strong vs MK, KOTG can outcreep MK.

Level 6 alch is auto win anyways.


Mk doesn’t do pretty much anything against a pack of MGs as well

It is easy to complain about MK, but try to play as him and you will see that his role is kinda limited, as it should be with any hero


Actually demon hunter is not good vs MK

Especially if he gets a mana pot drop.

A lvl 5 MK sh*ts on a lvl 5 DH.

But I agree with rest

Lets not forget MK is a STRENGTH hero and a tank.

while demon hunter is an agility hero.

if you’re just trying to bash an MK to a DH then the MK is going to win. but i fail to see how can DH not bully MK with mana burn.


Humans OP are you joking? HU,ORC,UD all have advantage over other HU>ORC,ORC>UD,UD>HU, the problem at this point is ELF and they are the OP race it’s really hard too beat a skilled Elf, Mountian Giants are really tanky and u just need too press one key it’s taunt, 0 micro just right click, buy staff when they low health staff them, heal them with moonwell repeat, they air strategy with hippos and fairy dragons is strong too i really dont have any chance against a decent elf its really hard too beat them,Kotg is just spaming entagle it cost so little mana, and he can make so much treants so u need too buy a priest or make units with dispel, Mountain Giants upgrades are really insane.


Repugnant hu player. Stormbolt and Brillance Aura must be nerfed.

I am a hum player and I somewhat agree.

Hum is the only race which all heroes have all skills useful. Orc comes close with far seer’s far sight ability being useless. Hum is also the only race where almost all units are useful. For Orc, nobody ever use tauren, and witch doctor is barely used. Undead is the worst, with half the race being waste units. Night elf has the worst heroes, but their units are decent.

Even in pro-tournaments, th000 and infi said Hum has an advantage against NE after th000 defeated Moon easily. Keep in mind these are the world top 1 player in their respective races.

I don’t think siege tanks are broken. Rather, give undead some siege damage instead. Other races don’t really have a problem with tanks.

IMO thunder clap from MK and Stomp from TC both need nerf. I disagree to nerf other human units. Blz should find a way to buff the wasted units/heroes from other races.

they are strong skills sure, but the mk also has very limited mana

Watch recent tournaments/ matches of top players.

Who wins with what.

Your comment is full of blabla, so it’s irrelevant.

Agree, Stormbolt’s 5 sec stun and hu’s mobility + buffs and debuffs will negate any micro frol other races.