How to enjoy remotely

When I am on my phone and I want to stay connected with the game, I dont have world editor on my phone or anything so I just read the General Discussion and similar topics and it always makes me feel bad. Even when new amazing things are added to this game such as BlzFrameGetChild, I never hear about it because these kinds of details appear to be missing in the Patch Notes.

What can do I to stay connected on my phone with regards to this game that isn’t like reading threads where people complain for the 600th time about how much better this game could have been? The developers said many times they are still working on this game, but if you just skim forums it feels like they abandoned it before it was released.
For times when I can’t directly launch World Editor to be excited about this game, where is the place to read about the work that the continued dedicated development team are doing?

How much did they pay you to say this? Or are you attempting to troll? Because dev updates are always at the top of the forums page…

On a more serious note though, the game is missing core functionality that original had, STILL, after what? 5 months? The performance is still abysmal, still making people play Classic mode all the time. At this point, why did they even do away with original client is beyond me… It would have been far less of a hassle to run two different clients. No cross-play needed then, much less headache, and the community is much less enraged.

Simply said, the criticism is well earned, and if you don’t like it, don’t read it.

I paid them. I am Reforged1Gli, but there was also Reforged2Gli and Reforged3Gli. More than 50 purchases.

Maybe it’s time I should do it again.

Good job reading.

I was referring to this. Next time, read through conversation yourself before jumping into it.

But still I am not enjoying reading this conversation as much as I would enjoy world editor on my phone. How to enjoy this game remotely?

I’m happy to sacrifice myself & volunteer for a free copy, once the time has arrived again. xD

But still I am not enjoying reading this conversation as much as I would enjoy world editor on my phone.

That is actually possible. To do this, you first open your World Editor app on your PC. Then, you take your phone, and ram it into your screen. Now, if you do this fast and hard enough, you will transfer your World Editor to your phone.

For a more detailed tutorial on this, look here:
h_ttps:// (Remove dashes)

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