How is CL still not nerfed?

Hi blizzard,

As per common consensus, which is backed up by statistics, crypt lord is overwhelmingly powerfull. As per top 100 players on W3Champions: undead wins are close to 55%, albeit it be only 52% versus elf.

If we look at hero selection, crypt lord first offers a flat out 56% winrate. Adding a DK second only offers more wins and with a lich it becomes a staggering 62% winrate overall.

This hero is incredibly fun to play as you literally can’t throw a bad impale and beetles just raise immense army strength on the spot in early games. Even late game these are still incredibly versatile.

Please have this fixed. Games with CL are so skewed in favor it is not any fun, nor even competetive. It feels this bridged a player up or down 15% in its percentile in the total player pool. Frankly, that is insane.

Not quite sure if this game is still supported as it is over a year old now and well, nothing has changed since release. Some less desyncs but that is about it I think : (