HotS artwork looks perfect for war3

Am I crazy? Doesn’t Heroes of the Storm look exactly like what an upgraded war3 should look like?

It does not


Ohh god another one of these posts


Some things actually pretty much do.

In Fact, I would take the large heroes designs pretty much for granted in Warcraft 3.

Though not too big, but definitely bigger than the actual version.

short answer: no


HOTS artstyle is a bit… squashed and broad. Not terribly by any means because everything’s pretty identifiable from their creativity and exaggerations taken. But I dunno if I’d want an RTS from it.

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I do still think HOTS’ artwork fits better stylistically to what we’ve been accustomed to seeing as ‘Warcraft 3’.

However HOTS’ style is still very much its own thing. The more I looked at the art, the less I was satisfied with how much it deviated from WC3 and was incorporating WoW elements.

Maiev for example is pure WoW design. No mouth showing, no daggers on her cloak, and her armor is huge.

Malfurion is pure WoW design. He’s a great model, and I love the huge beard, but he’s got those darned owl wings that I hate so much. I mean it would make sense if he’s ever had the Boomkin form, but he doesn’t even do that.

Other characters like Uther and Samuro turned out perfect for WC3, and I’m glad similar designs are being used for Reforged. I’m also really happy with the Dreadlord model in Reforged.

They said it’s a technical limitation. Too many daggers.

What I hate about HotS is that every sword is dull - see Arthas, Samuro, Varian.

TBH all weapons in WC3 are all flat with fake spec painted on them to look shiny, even though they aren’t. So really something like the flatness or shininess look of modern models is fairly interpretive.


Reforged looks perfect.

It’s great, but I wouldn’t say perfect :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh, I finally got a good look at the units in-game cos my graphics were set to High.

Game looks perfect imo.

Just needs male options for those female hero units and a different wildkin model.