Hope Blizzard will understand

Hello designers! I don`t want to be rude but I will leave you 2 photos to understand our desire about the game…

The first picture…hope you will recognize it

h t t p s : / /i.postimg.cc/DZhtj2gS/ice-screenshot-20200409-034228.png

That’s correct that’s The original city of Dalaran…so puny and fragile …Is this how a legendary city should look in your eyes? Now I will show after more then 6 hours of unstoppable work to actually REPAIR what you destroyed with your lack of interest…

h t t p s : / /i.postimg.cc/3rsbnrxY/ice-screenshot-20200409-034016.png

Consider this a advice…by the way … i am going to repair what I can from this game there are a lot of people out there who are with their heart broken because you just dont care ... If you dont raise a finger, I will raise my whole hand!

Let s keep this post and Fully Remastered Cinematics IN-GAME In top , let s save this game!


This makes me seriously think that there is no level designer on the team.




Use the </> preformatting text function instead of inserting lots of spaces.


You sir, are a blessing.

Honestly, though. There’s a lot of visual clutter in that second city, don’t get me wrong - it looks amazing. I also have this nagging feeling it would be a tad frustrating to play on as buildings would inevitably block line of sight in several key places… Does look nice tho.


game is a joke, try to realize that nothing you say helps, nothing will change.

They won’t communicate, they won’t do anything good, the latest MMR changes? Absolute joke.

No profiles, no good UI, no ladder, there is nothing.

Bring back Reign of Chaos.



Were there not enough topics that you could have chosen to trash talk the game or was it because every topic needs your random trash talking even if it is completely off topic?

Just tested…its really payable!I edited the map from “Game View” to be sure that none of those modifications will harm the gameplay and the visual clutter when you actually play the map will be no more !

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The colon on the top left of the keyboard also works too

Great work dude! Appreciate it!

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well while I agree that blizzard version need some polish, it has the right visibility. Yours is just full of clutter and would probably end up unusable in real gameplay. There is literally too much things in the city.

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Believe me brother,I edited the map in "Game camera "view to be sure that none of those modifications will harm the gameplay!


Little suggestion:
Beside the work and effort that you obviously put in recreating the town, that is amazing, really, my only concern is about the overall shape of the town. If you look at the concepts there is some kind of like predominant building surrounded by gradually lower ones.
In your case the “cone” overall shape of the town is missing.
That’s probably due to the point of view of the screenshot, but I would check it to be honest. It could only improve something that has already been boosted^^


I love it, I just love it, that is Dalaran, when I played it I had a lot of fun, since it was one of the few maps that were modified, and they brought that concept of “new” that I am looking for, thanks to its new mapping and the mechanics of the golems and it felt like a map made in this decade, but now with those beautiful decoration details, that will be Dalaran.
It would be necessary to see the factors of the camera but that would still have to be proved, can you download the map to prove it?
Keep it up my friend, you are EXELENTLY GOOD !!
If Blizzard does the same, they’ll be just as good, or better.


Let us have faith that soon a soul with a pure heart will arrive that will put all its efforts into making Reforged what it should be.


Just beautiful, hopefully Blizzard will release Custom Campaigns soon enough and a moder team can work on Reforging the Reforged Campaign with such care as you

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Check out the official release map that I posted !!Hope you will be satisfied!