Graphics: An analysis of the Footman

your Analysis is dumb af, for real…
‘‘But their armors now look too expensive, detailed, and like their belong to champions. Surely citizens did not have this much money.’’ WTF , they look like these cause is their first 3d game! they dosnt know much about modeling at that time!


I like how glorious the Lemon Sky’s (Reforged) Footmen look. I like the big shoulderpads. I like the epic armour.

I also like the more realistic idle animation. More relaxed and steady instead of holding the sword in front of them for no reason.

I like the grey metal instead of icecream white.

Common sense and a little knowledge of what a footman is… Has nothing to do with technology of the time… I don’t know why u think blizzards members were monkeys by that time, look at the captain of the humans for instance in warcraft 3,he DOES have a very adorned armor… If they dont look like that in warcraft 3 is not because they couldn’t do it, it’s because they didn’t wanted to do it… And we not talking about the metallic refraction in the armor… But the style and size of the armor (shoulderpads).