Glitch or Bug Problem | Rexxar's Campaign: Escape Theramore

Did you delete some, or all saves those names are “OrcX02”? Those are system-auto-saved saves when you left main-map entering a sub-map (such as Theramore Isle). If you deleted them all or all of them cannot be loaded (by game itself) and you don’t have even one normal save which saved (by yourself) on main-map, then I’m ariaid you probably have to replay the whole “Old Hatreds”…
P.S.1: There are also some saves called “OrcX02_XX” (XX=numbers), which are the opposite of “OrcX02”: these are system-auto-saved saves that when you left a sub-map returning to main-map.
P.S.2: “OrcX02”=“Old Hatreds” saves, so naturally “OrcX01”=“To Tame a Land” and “OrcX03”=“A Blaze of Glory”.

Caution: Either “OrcX02” or “OrcX02_XX” cannot be used as normal save since you can’t play properly after loading them: the screen/camera will be fixed and you can barely do anything even call out the menu, the only available action which I founded is press Alt+F4 to exit game.
(I didn’t test all but I presume all should be the same)

These “OrcX02” saves, by my limited knowledge and memories, are used for merging statuses between two maps (f.e. the status on main-map before you entered Theramore Isle, and the status after you playthroughed Theramore Isle). If the related “OrcX02” was deleted/damaged or incompatible, even you have other “OrcX02” remain, you probably still won’t be able to continue the Campaign normally…