For those who want to play Classic Warcraft 3

So what version works best for all of the campaign on a win 10 machine?

Edit: and by campaign I mean just the solo campaign. I don’t want custom maps or anything. Just the campaign from RoC and TFT.

1.27b if you do not mind widescreen only working in full screen, and separate launchers. PTR if you want all in one press a button and switch. There is pros and con’s to both.

I typically do windowed mode. Makes it easier to get to Discord.

If you use 1.27b make sure to put -windowed in your shortcut . The game itself does not have a ingame or alt enter does not work for fs to window swapping.

So, it says you have to manually patch the game up…what happens if you go straight from 1.20 to 1.27 or similar? It patches fine but is there anything unforeseen?

Not entirely sure how to do that. So Alt + Tab wont switch over? Cuz I have two monitors so Discord or whatever is on the second monitor while I have a game open.

so you want them banned for helping people to play the game from a time when it actually fully worked? blizz started ruining it when they tried to add and fix things years after what was assumed to be the last patch ever by only breaking things… i was actually very pissed off at myself for getting the newer client thinking itd be great only to find that ai dont even teach their heroes the skills anymore in my offline vs ai melees… kinda ruins it yknow? id rather “torrent” a classic client version than use a broken newer one. was actually gonna try to get my main pc fixed soon just to copy the old version it has so i could actually enjoy this game again -_- sorry for wanting to enjoy a game i PAID for. after all blizzard has done they dont deserve respect anyway


Thank you man. This completely saved my experience and solved all my problems. No more anger at Blizz, poof. Magic. I was even able to get my old Warcraft 1 and 2 custom maps goings for Warcraft 3.
I hope you don’t mind I am posting this verbatim on my website just in case Blizzard removes this.

So which version is the best to download? I have windows 10, hopefully be able to alt-tab, play LAN, stuff like that. Also I downloaded 1.27b, but its bringing up a CD key thing, I bought mine on reforged, what do I do now?

Can i patch the preordered Reforge version to 1.27b?

Did you pre order reforged if so your account has a classic key in there, you just have to log in and look for it, or just login it should give two options activate with a key or login to your Bnet account.

You mean the classic version that was given with the pre order? Or do you mean the actual reforged client?

no doubt people already making private servers like they did with classic wow

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They do not need to the PTR Server works just fine it is actually the last PTR Patch for Classic, including the old bnet. Typically PTR is for Push to Release, so they could have used it to play test Reforged updates however they are allowing everyone to use it for classic.

Which I do not understand why people are so upset about it, you can still play it download it, it has less people because all the bots are gone.

I mean the classic version that was given with preorder (which does not exist now, lol). When I’m writing this I have already tried patching it and it doesn’t seem to work :<
Edit: I tried uninstalling Reforged and installing PTR but it doesn’t work either…

This thread needs to be constantly bumped for all to see.

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No. You can’t. i can help you tho. We the community has made a server for those of us who wants to play the old game.


It works the same as old B,net too. It’s not blizzard approved in any way i should mention but we will be able to help you play Warcraft Frozen Throne 1.27b


Nice, thanks for the link.

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Just FYI, there is a mod called RenderEdge, which works with the 1.26a version. It adds graphical improvements and proper widescreen support. This is the only way to get widescreen AND multiplayer (via LAN) at the same time, AFAIK.

Link (delete the “s”):

Not certain if I get this truthfully…
I am on a Mac, and have had this game for years, with no incident, but now this Reforged travesty comes out, and my old property is no longer mine somehow.
Blizzard has become cold-hearted after hooking up with Activision, it feels like, and no longer care about the people who built them, the Players
Don’t get me wrong, I was ll for the idea of a better looking version of the game, except they completely botched it, and now they want to force their mistakes on everyone else.
I think I am going to need to find another gaming company, until Blizzard wakes up, and realizes that money is not everything. In fact, chasing money can cost you your fan-base, which in the long run will be more costly!!

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