Even IF Blizz postpone the game, it doesn't mean we will get what we were promised

Personally I don’t see 2019 release anymore. 4 weeks to go and no release date, no hyping up, not even a tweet about the progress. Since patch 2 weeks ago, Blizz is dead silent.

What I see myself, is 2 more months just to tweak whatever is needed and release as it is. For any substantial changes for campaign such as locations that reflect on real WoW locations such as Culling, this will take at least another 5-7 months to get it all done. And I don’t see Blizzard doing it. There is not enough money in it simply.


They will launch this game dead silent, patch up a few times, and just let it bleed in the water, in whatever state it will be by then.


Highly possible. But this will be new for Blizzard, cuz normally each game and even Starcraft remaster had a proper fully fledged launch ‘ceremony’ as every other game.


Every other game they launched, even Starcraft:Remasterd, had way more hype and coverage than this. Even Grubby went back to Classic, and he was Reforged’s biggest supporter.
What does that tell you?


Well, if he had kept playing reforged all the way till launch, there won’t be any climax on the change of gameplay/visuals. Better to make a huge jump from classic to reforge than slow transitioning to feel the differences. Besides, with all the bugs, beta limited population, and the fact that it’s not finished, it’s not a surprise.

More like this is a result of Reforged being so massively underwhelming. No one wants a reskinned old game. Those that want the old game already all have it. Those that wanted a modernized version of it, will never have it.

:slight_smile: Agreed.

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How did we go from, the most hype thing at Blizzcon too, not even an after thought from Blizzard?


Mass refunds since the announcement of cut content, visible discrepancy between the announced 2018 version and what is in Beta right now, and complete lack of communication from Blizzard, because they know it would be a ceaseless barrage straight to their face.

That is how.

Hmm so it sounds like entirely the fault of Blizzard. Big shock.


He actually told us personally, we dont have to imagine.

As the beta does not have skill-based matchmaking yet, you dont get to play a lot of equal match-ups. Thats why he went back to classic for the moment.

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Grubby is no fool, he knows those graphics are no good for multiplayer. But he is keeping his mouth shut because $$$

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lol now they’re even using Grubby to fuel their doomsday circle jerks.

What’s funny (and scary) is how emboldened these insufferable children are going to be when Blizzard releases a major patch that updates everything.

They’re all going to go “SEE, SEE!!! It’s because we complained every day for 6 weeks. Thanks to US, we saved the game!”

rofl… oh god… fu#&ing children

The beta has no actual matchmaking. I already told Jonus as much, willfull ignorance. This is the reason no one, including Grubby, is playing it. No, it doesn’t support your agenda to turn WC3 Reforged into a poorly thought out WC4 stand-in. Stop twisting the narrative.

Idk bout everyone else, but I want nothing more I want than to be wrong. And yes, us complaining and not settling for crap would have a major influence if they fixxed the game. If every single person just accepeted the low quality beta, then they wouldnt feel the need to improve.

He’s kinda right, it’s always the same "graphics bad’ posts are the ones getting traction meanwhile the actual discussion posts are getting ignored.


3 weeks they made it clear “we don’t realease ANITHING during holidays because we want player spend time with the family and not in gaming. So all patch and game gonna release before or After holidays”.

If they said that, they lied. They rush released Mengsk coop commander just in time for Thanksgiving weekend, and Mengsk was a pretty big deal for sc2 coop.


they said it themself that they cant release Warcraft3 Reforge in Blizzard’s quality, while they just put a small team in making reforge, shame.

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Like always. Blizzard can’t be trust anymore

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