Editor: Mass Import / Mass delete

Okay, I know mass delete on the import tools is non-existent, which baffles me how you can have a mass import function but now allow for mass removal of custom content.

However, the reason this is felt so painfully for me, is as I am working on a custom campaign for when blizzard finally breaks, i mean fixes this game, to include custom campaigns. Also as i’ve posted before its the only way to actually work with custom assets as when importing them into singular maps the maps just end up getting corrupted after 2-3 saves and the custom assets no longer will load…

but mass import is busted as well. I cannot mass import assets into the import manager, either in a custom map or custom campaign. after save and exit the mass imported files will become corrupted and still be present but non-existent, they will definitely screw up your game. As I am attempting to use a custom female orc model from hive, I can’t even delete it and re import it as the editor keeps saying the file already exists…but I can import 5 versions with the warcraft3import/ prefix, when that use to only be limited to just one.