Developers answers questions from Back2Warcraft fan site

New cutscenes completely cancelled? Or just not in at release, but in at a later date?

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Can we please get colored health bars for original graphics? THANKS!

This better include the scrapped content like the new cutscenes and the updated campaign because honestly those getting canceled is a HUGE disappointment to me. This isn’t Reforged anymore it’s just an HD reskin now.


you only play single player? how does that not get boring after 17 years? campaign was decent for its time but it hasn’t really held up after all these years

lol that’s such an uncommon opinion within the wc3 community, its the competitive players that have kept wc3 alive all these years

I highly doubt that is accurate, the entire concept of reforged is to maintain cross-compatibility and its already proven to be possible. I know Blizzard said “classic artstyle will be an option in the beta soon” but technically its already possible if you try playing beta on a PC that does not meet the requirements for Reforged

I blame the Diablo Immortal Controversy.

It forced Blizzard to prioritize developement on Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 that only a skeleton crew remained for Warcraft 3 Reforged.

Thank you internet. You ruined Warcraft 3 Reforged for me.

So then it really is just a reskin then.
With some post release support.

Because I’m a retro gamer; I have no problem with replaying the same story over and over again. And I sometimes break it up by playing single-player melee.

Better than trying to play multiplayer with random a-holes.

Well, that’s just, like, your opinion man.

you say that as if its not possible for somebody who grew up in the 80s and enjoys retro games to not be able to enjoy WC3 competitively, I too love retro games, but WC3 campaign doesn’t stand out in my top 20 games of all time (only its multiplayer modes do)

lol its very easy to find nice people to game with

Well then it’s a good thing Warcraft 3 has something to offer for everyone isn’t it? Cos I can’t stand randomized multiplayer.

you can play AT, clan games, custom games, or even private games too

theres tons of better single player games than WC3 lol

To you.

To me there are none that are set in the Warcraft universe.

So, yeah.

what part of wc3 campaign is most entertaining? the puzzles/challenges? the strategy? or the story?

puzzles/challenges in wc3 are not great IMO especially when compared to bigger adventure games

the strategy in wc3 campaign is extremely weak compared to multiplayer

and the story of wc3 is only vaguely interesting compared to something like LotR

I just like the universe it’s set in and the majority of the stories told before WoW: Cataclysm.

well I guess your name is fitting :stuck_out_tongue: but the WoW universe always seemed silly to me, the only thing I appreciate about WoW is the artstyle and size of its in-game worlds. But if I want to enjoy the origin of modern fantasy, I prefer LotR since its less silly

I do like LotR but I am not always in a Middle-earth mood.

I also enjoy Elder Scrolls but I’m not always in a Tamriel mood.

Sometimes I just wanna have fun in Azeroth.

EDIT: Less than 20 minutes to go until the Warcraft 3 Reforged panel, everyone. :slight_smile:

mind posting a link if you can?

Can’t if you’re not a virtual ticket holder. I’m sure people will be posting any news we get from it in these forums though.

Alright. Time to cancel my pre-order. I was really excited about playing a reforged campaign. It even says on the website “4 hours of reforged cutscene’s” . Like the one from blizzcon last year.

There is nothing new about this “reforged” except the the HD graphics. I feel like ive been lied to for a whole year.

You disgust me Blizzard, deeply.

Got no other words then F.uck you, seriously.

that’s why I never pre-order anything, always wait till you learn everything you can about something before you buy it

No ladder on release, no new recordings, back to old cutscenes, no rettconig campaign these are the news we wait an entire year?! When we pre-ordered there was many thinks announced at the beginning and now just the graphic remains? What was worth of 40e?!

Few map makers took reforged models and put it on few campaign maps, what makes blizzard work diference if they atleast don’t make new cutscenes?

There is not much difference of what they did with SC:“Remastered” they should rename WC3.

“More content” what this should mean, few skins to shut the fans mouth for getting nearly half what they pre-ordered (new graphics and broken balance)

Only think pleases me from these news are the “new music will be added” atleast this we got.