Community Survey - New

1.Pick up lLETTER which style of armor you think is most feeting reality ?

2…Now pick up NUMBER, which model you prefer the most to see in game ?

You are free to combine, but only letter with letter , and number with number.

So kinda 2 seperated answer needed

X_Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I will reveal you secret, number 3 is how he look in movie, and number 2 is how he looks for a promotional poster.


the first one is hilarious af

Epic survey: Loading KingOmelettebot.exe

‘‘I prefer first picture and this topic has nothing to do with discussion’’

Execute: ban command id: RebelionX


eXcUse mE, wHaT

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You know what I mean or understand when he comes :wink:

I would say 1, but it’s not very accurate. Is there a version where his head is smaller too?


the warcraft movie was fxcking trash.

  1. Number three.
  2. Can I skip this step of the survey? As much hard work as I know costuming must have been for this, the armour all looked like cosplayer worbla in the movie. Still cool but distracting.

I came already. Didn’t you feel it on your back?

Ye,but those two questions were to compare reality with game and it can tell which style you or someone else like for ingame erm…

Me howeever pick soemthing between 3 and 2 for ingame (just a bit armor reduce for 2 rather).