Community Managers question

Are the community managers even active on these forums or anywhere at all ?
Pete Stilwell was last seen on the forums on 12 Feb and Kaivax on 22 Oct. It feels like there is no communication regarding real concerns.


Ya seriously lol it feels so neglected in here :joy:

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Kaivax is a WoW CM who seems to just be the one who posts for the developers. It’s possible that he doesn’t otherwise come around here due to being a WoW CM.

I don’t think WC3R has any dedicated CMs.


Reforged was just a cash grab, what do you actually expect?


I know right! It’s like products are made and put out to bring cash in!

Most products are based on making money in exchange for good service. Regorged is based on trying to scam people and destroy a game.


Regurgitated. Revolted. Reviled. Ransacked.

We have so many better subtitles for this game than what we got given :stuck_out_tongue:


If you really think that its actual purpose was to scam, you’re deluded. It was riding the “love letter to the fans” that was SCR; a pretty wholesome intention.

Besides, this notion of cash grab/scam and months and months of being able to refund are mutually exclusive.

They really are not.
They had to put that refund for months. Because the scam turned out so bad that they would otherwise be sued.

About the “love letter” … well I think you are very in favor of toxic relationships brother. That thing is not love.

If there really was love or intentions to make a decent game.
We should already have the Functional Scale as a minimum.
And the truth is that we should already have all the functions of the W3.


That’s some more delusion right there. Blizzard is way too big, too well known, to much in the public eye to ever be able to get away with a scam. They’d never try to, they’d never pull it of. Scams involve clandestine elements so that it can slip away before anyone knows what happened. No, Tutancadead, they didn’t give refunds because they were going be caught in a scam. They admitted to the failure and provided a means to undo the purchases.

I was taking about the wave that Bliz was riding with their revitalization of Classic games, not Reforged itself. The wave that started with SCR and lead to WoW Classic, that endeavor is the love letter. Indeed Reforged failed at that regard, but the intent was to do some thing good for fans just as they had done with SCR and WoW Classic… the intent wasn’t a scam.

And again, without lost currency, there’s no scam. And since refunds have been and still are available, there’s no lost currency.

Blizzard: worse than your worst ex^^

Wait wait wait, they provided a mean to undo, BUT they never admitted the failure…

Imagine one of those cash grabbing girls coming to you with some “promises”, then she asks you for money before starting the service and when you finally realize what’s happening and grab your money from her hands she even dares to mock you and yell “so sorry if it didn’t live up to your ’ ’ expectations ’ ’ %$3££%@'@”.

That’s exactly the relationship we had^^


What is this you’re evening talking about? Why are we not spending our remaining brain cells inventing the most ideal recreation of this game’s pathing system? >.<

Besides what Winter said.
Do you really think that Blizzard didn’t know the quality of the game they were getting? They didn’t even buy all the missing models. Blizzard brought Regorged out with the idea … let’s see maybe the fans won’t realize I’m scamming them.
They keep announcing things that are not true like the Skins of the Campaign Characters.

This is not The Last of Us 2 that made a very Crazy message and it went wrong. This is clearly incomplete. Very incomplete.


I don’t think it was to scam, but I do not believe for a second they put the attention into it that the fans actually deserved.

I understand the economics of it, and honestly since Warcraft III was already a thing with the classic version, they should have just waited until everything was up to par.

So to scam, no, but a disservice to those that they were trying to write the “love letter” too, very much so. Reforged has some amazing potential I can’t wait until its actually finished. But why didn’t they push the release back a year, keep things like they were and then just release an actual finished as promised product?

So its not hard to see where people are coming from when they classify it as a scam. It was more about money and the politics then it was about the actual game. Whether it was activision or Blizzard.

I agree, and its not like they undid anything. Even the classic version of the client suffered heavily from what they did. Blizzard also removed aspects from the game on that as well. That is just a slap in the face to where a refund was rather pointless, you got reforged whether you wanted reforged or not.


I’m 100% on board that WC3R is a catastrophe, and I become more and more discouraged as time goes on due to the slowness of content and the claim of better communication that (almost always) fades out after a short time. My point was just about the scam claims.

Agree 100%

Because I’m waiting for you for that^^
Let’s move on this weekend^^


If you when buying oranges and conscientiously they give you apples or rotten oranges. How would you call it?

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If they gave my money back… AGAIN not a scam.

Their original plan was not that and they have not returned the original game to us yet.

If I steal something from you and you discover me and make me give it back to you. It’s still a robbery.

Not to mention that they continue with false advertising and lies.