Can we please stop

I agree.

But pros makes relevant comments about their pro-gamer feeling of the game, and newbies makes relevant comments about their newbies-gamer feeling of the game.

Game readability critics requires that player actually knows how to read the game fast enough to the point of making it a critical thing. Witch is not the case of most players, and more precisely, most of complaining players.

This is like newbies making comment about a pro issue. It’s the world upside down. Flooding the forums for this…

For me “fast game readability” issue is like balancing thing. Because, seeing is a thing, but reacting fast enough to make the difference or not in the game is a thing only experimented players can do.

So yes, i think most graphics complains are irrelevant.

Btw : Reforged as a lot of issues that are not discussed enough/at all because of being buried by this graphics thing.

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But they don’t need condemn the whole graphics just for E-Sports
If that is the problem, the game needs just make a option in graphics settings for E-Sports! With low settings to them see easily. The old Warcraft 3 have the most hardest readabilty of all, now with the new graphics of the demo is so far more easy to know what is happening!
All this actually problems not are problem of the consumer! People have to buy to play this game, and them want to be confortable and fun when will play. So… The game needs more options to people choose before play! To have the awesome UI they shown last year! Options to have the modern graphics of demo (The demo have the perfectly terrain, the awesome realistic shadows, the New UI,the realistic lighting, and some much others things) and the other option for who liked the beta simple graphics. They just need make more options! this are the solutions! Everyone deserve be happy with the money spent buying this game to be confortable with the game when play!


So tell me my silly friend what’s the point of a beta then?
I hope you can understand that they tested it internally and it worked pretty well, but scaling to tens of thousands of players worldwide unearth new problems.

But you seem to be saying they should have tested and proven this to work (which is what beta is for) before even announcing the game.

Hope you realize how silly what you suggests is. If not I don’t know what to tell you

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It’s beta. Except more feedback.

Feedback != insulting developers and parroting the graphical preferences of others without substance.

As I wrote multiple times (if you had read my posts) I said feedback is welcome. actual feedback though