BSOD Laptop external monitor SOLVED

I have posted a few times trying to get to the bottom of this issue. I finally solved it so I thought I would share.

My problem was that I would crash to a Blue screen with stopcode VIDEO SCHEDULER ERROR. This happened because I would try to load the game while my gaming laptop was plugged into an external monitor. The game ran fine if I used my laptop screen.

The problem is with the “Blizzard Browser” located in -

D:\Warcraft III_retail_\x86_64\BlizzardBrowser

I added it into Nvidia control panel under “Manage 3d settings” Then told it to use my Nvidia gpu instead of Intel. Also the in-game menu runs much smoother now! If your like me, then you already made this change under “global settings” and under “Warcraft 3”, However it wont be enough! You have to specifically add the Blizzard browser. CAREFUL, you may have more than 1 Blizzard Browser installed. I have a second one because of Heroes of the storm. So don’t get confused when adding it! Problem solved. It wasn’t my computer. It wasn’t out of date drivers. Good luck out there.

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