Blizzard Do Not Make The Map Look Like WoW

Just like Warcraft reforge
Stratholme looks pretty small, like a town or a village
Comparing with the classic Warcraft,the map more like a city not a small town.
The map is like the northeast of Straholme,which means there’s still a big part of the city not on map on southwest side.


i don’t think you understand why “The Culling” was changed.

The original was too monotonous. Too simple with a big map that served no purpose.

The new Culling mission has lots of detail and purpose for every part of it. Faster pace, more action harder mission but more exciting and fun.

Instead of having houses and a zoo that was not even reachable on the other side of the map they went practical. Having Mal’Ganis attack with his force directly much more often and having more intense rush battle of conversion.

Though maps in WC3 cannot be real scale representations of the in game lore or descriptions. If this was the case then attack on Dalaran would be a massive map. They are just similar. Stratholme is also not very much a city. More like a town.


I agree with this, because generally old Culling had more heart into it with some easter eggs and extra enemy bases and great challenge.

Culling true to WoW is … ok but its … obviously dumbed down.

idk, i kind of hope if they revamp maps and zones they will still balance out everything.

like the player has to deal with less threat in the Reforged culling. well ok but they should see if they can add more things to do using the wow base in other missions instead to balance it off.

so maybe another mission from old RoC or TFT would actually be much better revamped in Reforged.

I’m in somewhat favor of keeping the maps as they were and as an achievement of beating the game on hard difficulty the player is rewarded with playing WoW like maps and so on, after all it’s not the WoW players who kept this game alive for so long.


An epic idea if you ask me

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Are you high?

Reforged Culling has much more action as seen in demo.

That is the result of a smaller city and narrower choke points causing more confrontations with Malganis forces

You don’t have to be a WoW player to appreciate new map layout - even if it now resembled one from WoW. What was so special about the original map that it has to be kept? As pointed out already, the new map has a lot advantages and is improved in many other ways too. The fact that is resembles WoW Stratholme is kind of a bonus (or a con to purists) on the side. I’d imagine they are going to change many of the other maps to be more streamlined and make more sense gameplay-wise, too. And they don’t necessarily have to resemble WoW map.

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If they really have to modify them, just don’t do it in such a sloppy way and for Maiev’s sake keep the freaking gameplay in mind while doing it

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Checking the Stratholme demo, they are for sure in Illidan’s side which only hurts us the players.

I’m pretty sure Blizzard said the original campaigns will still be in Reforged

Blizzard please make it just like world of Warcraft! It will be a great side to the classic wow main corse, I always wanted to play a warcraft 3 version of the world of Warcraft maps. Do it blizz do it!

I’m basically as high as you.

that misses the fact in old culling you face 2 undead bases, and there is a zoo as easter egg.

What made ‘The culling’ harder was the fact you had to chase Mal’Ganis across that big map… By making it shorter you’re really just nerfing it.


Exactly, really well said

Why would you chase him?

Honestly I could speedrun “The Culling in like 10 mins”

He is so slow

Build a few archer towers for base defense and rush knights/foot + rifle.

Easiest 100 while he is at like 40-60.

The new Culling you have to even if you have 30-0 advantage eventually face off vs his army to get to the other side of the smaller city.

Plus there is base defense vs Purple and Green (Malganis) Undead.

Maybe you didn’t notice that.


Today we found out the humans have “Archer” Towers.


Couldn’t think of a proper counter-argument, so you tackle on semantics? :smiley: (I think we all know what he meant.)

I used to be excited for reforged, but my experience with the actual playable Warcraft III the past couple months has soured me completely.
All they had to do, was change nothing in the game, and all would have been dandy. But now most games get aborted instantly as of today May 23,
I don’t trust Blizzard anymore with any changes. Look at retail WOW. Same thing. Once they start, they just can’t stop.

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I don’t like half the stuff they retconned in WoW.


So if they kept the balance the same, there would be no leavers?