Potential Black Screen Fix for

Same, tried all i could. Still the same.

I was able to start the game but after I quit and went back in, the game would crash on load.

I was able to get around this by resetting the video settings back to default.

Under My Documents select the Warcraft III Beta directory and then find edit the War3Preferences.txt file

Change resetdefaults=0 to resetdefaults=1 and save.

I have to do this every time I want to start the game now…

1 Like

I had a similar issue that I was finally able to fix by opening my firewall settings and creating a new exception for reforged (one did not exist prior).

Same problem. Previous Solutions didnt helped. Come on Blizzard - What the…

same here.. my logs:

1/18 10:22:58.189  GameMain Started
1/18 10:22:58.189  Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III Beta\x86_64\Warcraft III.exe" -launch -uid w3_beta
1/18 10:22:58.189  Current Directory: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III Beta"
1/18 10:22:58.896  Searching for display mode: { display: 0, width: 1920, height: 1080, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 800, height: 600, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 6619198
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1024, height: 768, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 4980798
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1152, height: 864, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 4063294
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 4128830
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1280, height: 768, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 3932222
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1280, height: 800, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 3801150
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1280, height: 960, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 3145790
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1360, height: 768, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 3604542
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1400, height: 1050, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 2293822
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1440, height: 900, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 2752574
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1600, height: 900, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 2097214
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1680, height: 1050, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 1114174
1/18 10:22:58.905  Testing Display Mode: { display: 0, width: 1920, height: 1080, bpp: 32, refreshrate: 60 }, err: 62
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
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1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: revisionId: 0xa1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: type: Discrete
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: luid: 000000000000e9a5
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1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: api: Dx11
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: vendorId: NVidia
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: deviceId: 0x2191
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: nvidia.family: Turing
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: nvidia.driverVersion: 419.45
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1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: windowsBuildNumber: 18362
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: dxFeatureLevel: 11.1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: typedUavLoadAdditionalFormats: 1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: preferredShaderModel: Dx50
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1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: raytracingTier: 0
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1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: baseInstance: 1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: drawIndirect: 1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: drawIndirectBaseInstance: 1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: deviceLocalConstantBufferOffsets: 1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: occlusionQueries: 1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: countingOcclusionQueries: 1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: rasterOrderViews: 1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: exclusiveFullscreen: 1
1/18 10:23:00.291  prism: Info: uma: 0
1/18 10:23:01.936  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/011d763b696091859555487a788450858b404d32/(2)LastRefuge.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.936  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/08d79e0b6e6e6f0d2b87ab86dfcbd5c66595316c/(6)RuinsOfStratholme.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.936  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/0c6773a30aa607a3d94bebc5202f4ce7284cd638/(2)TerenasStand_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.936  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/0cbef668ccd4ca4a1e4a8c4863453232c95d83f4/(8)Mur'gulOasis_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/11ae6b6195a09143f8c5035b820788713565c133/(8)Deadlock_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/27481310c6bffbc4e549e5069b30c3bec71d24b0/(8)Northshire_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/27de20089f2340f2bbfc13e7b6922e9efbb937cc/(6)SilverpineForest.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/287a54279abec56fd358588d149a378d66f16bce/(8)GolemsInTheMist_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/2ac8f068a592574b5d50f6290fb90c5608def12c/(3)NomadIsles.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/2eeb513d3f77f0fecb09447f0ed6e7b7dbde12fd/(2)Dalaran.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/30cf1f5c556ad0afab03c1bc64dc3f6eb962a8b5/(8)GoldRush.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/3a8a4b04ee4243af9dbb48f0d137e80c97e6de79/(4)LostTemple_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/3b0315c630e7887c90aec0db84635752e25b7385/(2)Amazonia.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/43e460fba745de0cce584e31b1624978f48a737d/(8)Sanctuary_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/4c9c4253ceb54b3dd1ecb521def35102156ef418/(2)NorthernIsles.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.945  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/5311e717877849ddc4a3112af33ac8f6f74c695a/(8)Battleground_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/64a9441dd0331cdd4f6d7efc79860b2e4dc8241c/(8)BanewoodBog_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/70f64163a629f6d3af9fe82f60b1f49414497c42/(6)StranglethornVale.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/7614547ad444e2416d35de59d90b7429f9399d67/(4)PhantomGrove_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/7b989a3921b84b0243cb57324541dd6365cd062d/(4)CentaurGrove.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/7f9c81e067db17efd7845bbb9c028949702c8267/(4)SynergyBigPaved.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/84a12247686b5ade672dde6705de81c504a746fc/(4)TurtleRock.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/89b5fe9da379ca2b0e6bd179a22931b01dbfea03/(4)TidewaterGlades_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/8ca24165995bf9d2ce5ce72254228579d718e8a5/(8)NerubianPassage.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/8ed916737dc5d566db70723b4962f0c0c2bb90a9/(4)HillsbradCreek.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/93cda6f77054b8b071dae5f60b25d4e08a0e9822/(4)FountainOfManipulation.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/9b44e6fd6ae46646d6e99503df03c6c6fb9caa0f/(6)GnollWood.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/b1b0ed0ebfd92da11e439c976eb7e5dbd0003523/(6)ThunderLake_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.960  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/b77acc95c5e5f28b1607ad877391dc363c75ec11/(8)Feralas_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/bc21efae7ddf65bd492168a825cf2ecbc28305fe/(4)TwistedMeadows.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/c05093a1f76900616e2b0364cfd30acf59bd26b6/(2)ConcealedHill.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/c9b122b9ea9dc77ca58bfdfd82ff9666d6604f5a/(8)TwilightRuins_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/ccc17027c0e5c983ffaeca959f25817812de2db8/(6)BloodstoneMesa_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/cf265a06a16b468e3721b1f4af6311801cd77618/(4)Deathrose.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/d14170cb627d995cc2cba17a910d0c5c993503e1/(2)SwampedTemple.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/d2d6a10821193882b7c41074607645f0c4e9ff81/(6)NeonCity.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/d55f9774394506684b25aa718530786d061d5cdc/(8)MarketSquare.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/df94bda098e2b0e748cc02a0b716519c0686175d/(6)RollingHills.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/dfdf9ed105003443c556e31f280990dab024d95f/(4)FurbolgMountain.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/e30bf43bfe9500334b665e96aed731218d22cec3/(6)TimbermawHold.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/e79eac9c0a0ee76e3a705f81fac267ff87d906c4/(2)EchoIsles.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/e92ca578018140ef294425e0f70ccecb15225549/(4)Avalanche_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.976  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/ec3f765c26623da275d55a9324c3232e3e04b467/(6)Monsoon_LV.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - C:/Users/User/Documents/Warcraft III Beta/Maps/Download/f123913c936d89fd48fd8ba4b74632c98b573d71/(6)UpperKingdom.w3x
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(10)dustwallowkeys.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(12)divideandconquer.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(12)icecrown.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(2)bootybay.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(2)harrow.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(2)hillsofglory.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(2)ogremound.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(2)plunderisle.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(3)forestwalk.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(3)isleofdread.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(3)nighthaven.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(4)adrenaline.w3m
1/18 10:23:01.993  Opening map - Maps/(4)borderlands.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)deadlock.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)deadwaterdrop.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)dragonmountain.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)duskwood.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)frostsabre.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)harvestmoon.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)hearttoheart.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)legends.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)losttemple.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)mysticisles.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(4)tranquilpaths.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(5)theglaive.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(6)darkforest.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.007  Opening map - Maps/(6)dragonfire.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(6)drywatergulch.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(6)gnollwood.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(6)moonglade.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(6)scorchedbasin.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(6)stromguarde.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(6)swampofsorrows.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(6)timbermawhold.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(8)battleground.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(8)blastedlands.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(8)bloodvenomfalls.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(8)gardenofwar.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(8)golemsinthemist.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.023  Opening map - Maps/(8)petrifiedforest.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.039  Opening map - Maps/(8)plaguelands.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.039  Opening map - Maps/(8)plainsofsnow.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.039  Opening map - Maps/(8)richmansgarden.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.039  Opening map - Maps/(8)thecrucible.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.039  Opening map - Maps/(9)riverrun.w3m
1/18 10:23:02.054  Activating WebUI
1/18 10:23:03.487  prism: Error Invalid (0x80070057): pm_dx11::Device::CreateTexture: OpenSharedResource Failed
1/18 10:23:03.772  NGDP Diagnostic Log:
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {95c} INF: NGDP initialization - (archive: true, cache: false, Async: true)
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://level3.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://level3.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://level3.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://level3.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://level3.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server http://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://blzddist1-a.akamaihd.net/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://blzddist1-a.akamaihd.net/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://eu.cdn.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://level3.ssl.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://level3.ssl.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {20f4} INF: adding network address for server https://level3.ssl.blizzard.com/
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {95c} INF: Initialization step - FETCHING_CDN_CONFIG
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {95c} INF: Initialization step - FETCHING_BUILD_CONFIG
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {95c} INF: no patch configuration
1/18 10:23:03.772  [20200118T10:22:58] {95c} INF: Prepatch

We are aware of this issue and are still investigating. Some players have had success with workarounds in this thread.



Hello Torelef,

I have tried to the apply the solution you suggested, but have found no success so far. The game does start and I can hear all the wheel scrolling sounds of menu, but things are all just black screens.

I am a regular player of this Beta and have been able to run Reforged up until this version.

My machine is a MSI GP62 laptop with Nvidia GTX 960M, driver version is the latest 441.87, released on 01/06/2020

Any update you can provide on this issue is appreciated.

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Have you tried to use your PC at ultimate performance?

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Same problem here. Black screen on start with sound and the wc3 cursor. A fix is needed because it used to work before the patch, and after the patch it no longer works.

Not wanting to be contrarian but working fine on my end, with definitely improved performance both in menus and in-game. Started off getting a lot of “mismatches” though, and loading is still a bit erratic, leading to a lot of leavers.

yes, here it is again I posted it above but i’ll post again for you:

Hey guys,

I had this issue starting yesterday (1/17/20) from the last patch. The game starts up, my mouse cursor turns into the gauntlet, screen is black, can hear menus opening etc. when moving the mouse.

I have an MSI laptop with a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 (latest drivers installed), and running Windows 10 Home. I went to NVIDIA Control Panel->Manage 3D Settings->Global Settings. Here, I simply changed ‘Preferred Graphics Processor’ (first setting at the top separate from all the other settings) from ‘Auto-Select’ to ‘High Performance Nvidia Processor’. This is the ONLY change I made, and it fixes the issue for me completely. Please note that you cannot make this change in the ‘Program Settings’ tab only. You MUST make the change in the ‘Global Settings’ tab for some reason unbeknownst to me.

Hope this can help some of you guys, game on!



Same blackscreen problem here since the patch. I have an AMD Radeon RX 550 series.

edit: well aware of the solution for Nvidia, but sadly dont know how to translate this to AMD - just updated the driver, but I still get a blackscreen.

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can u screenshot that what u do ?! i cannot find this way, you told

worked for me!! thx

Works for me, tnx!

AMD user here (RX 470), same problem, no idea if there’s a fix for AMD, only way I managed to play the game is by loading maps through the map editor but that’s only good for singleplayer maps

I’m having the same problem. Tried setting command line arguments for graphics, tried deleting temp files, tried reinstalling, tried setting the resetDefaults option, and tried messing with the firewall. None of these have worked. Hasn’t worked since the mandatory update.

Regarding AMD: My understanding is that the blackscreen occurs because something messes the GPU selection up if you have more than one, which is common for laptops.
The solution appears to set a “preferred high performance GPU”, which for Nvidia is described in the above.
For AMD however, I could only find guides that refer to a “AMD Radeon Settings” programme, which appears to have been replaced by “AMD Radeon Software” which lacks the feature to select the preferred GPU.

Update: what worked for me (AMD on Windows10):

  1. Right click on desktop -> Display settings
  2. Scroll down -> Graphics settings
  3. Select “classic app” in the drop down and browse for the BlizzardBrowser (NOT the WC3.exe) and add it to the list. Default path is C:\ Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III Beta\x86_64\BlizzardBrowser\BlizzardBrowser.exe
  4. Select Options for BlizzBrowser and set to “High performance”.
  5. Restart the Battle Net app.
  6. Success.