Being brainless fan of old lore is stupid

It’s not my job to give a sh-t about people who like something I despise.

You have enough posts here about it that you could probably put it on a resume though.

Because you people won’t stop replying to me. I can’t ignore you. I’m incapable of ignoring people talking to me.

Don’t you think I’ve tried?

I wanted to play some Fallout 3 today but noooo, no I had to go and get involved with this discussion instead and now my stress levels are through the roof and I don’t really feel like playing anything right now.

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Just shut up and let them have what they wanted - I don’t want this game to fail because new audience will come and say “VO and Story Suck and Graphics outdated,bye”

There wouldn’t be a new audience anyway.

There would if there was a perfects story,retcons,voices,cutscenes and dialogues.
No one wants to play out-dated game

Tell that to the insane sales of Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy, or Spyro Reignited Trilogy.

Those games play exactly the same way and tell the exact same stories they told years ago.

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Well,because they don’t have Lore in the first place,as well as Characters

I’m not going to play armchair psych but this sounds like something you should speak with someone about. And not to victim blame, but again. You saw an inflammatory thread, dove in, and the rest is kind of an easy history.

I got my Sorceress up to 67 in Diablo 2 though from just some Nightmare magic find runs. I hope when you do get to Fallout 3 it’s a prosperous session.

We’ll see. The constant crashes are getting on my nerves though.

And no, I’m not paying money to someone who’s just going to nicely tell me I’m the problem and not the world because that’s what society’s trained them to do.

Again, you could’ve surmised enough the tone and perspective from thread title alone but decided to engage rather than ignore.

It takes more effort to jump in than just let it be a “water off a duck’s back” thing. There is no huge Reforged overhaul of another campaign. They announced as much. Your original experience is unimpeded and present (not that it was going anywhere in the first place).

The issue was more with the fact people are still making these threads at all.

…I think I broke my E key. It’s starting to not type. :frowning:

And they will untill we get what we was promised to

You weren’t promised anything. Everything presented at BlizzCon prior to release is subject to change. All you were “promised” was a game called Warcraft 3 Reforged.

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With new voices,with WoW lore bridge,with new cutscenes and graphics - Now we have none. Graphics are downgraded,lore is screapped,voices too

No, that was all subject to change.

All you were promised was the game, not what was slated to be in it.

You act like this is your first BlizzCon announcement.

It’s as much stupid if you come to a theater where 80% of the movie was cut and you paid full prise for 30 minutes long movie with low budget

You’d be surprised how often that happens and no one ever knows.

There was never an Anouncement with so many content being cut - Basically every game anounsment is what we have

Sure there were. Plenty of WoW announcements got things cut for time, or inability to make them work, etc. You wanna know what happened?

People like you complained. Blizzard stuck to their guns because, hey, development happens. The people like you moved on and the rest of us who understand that development happens decided to stick with it because we liked the other stuff on offer anyway.

This Reforged business is no different. Game development happened, and you’re ticked off. I get it. Time to move on.

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