Being brainless fan of old lore is stupid


At least WoD didn’t try telling people the planet was a baby titan and putting Sylvanas on a higher pedestal than she deserved.


A lot of emotion Cinematics,Shots,Cutscenes many features,character development of Jaina,Baine,Thrall,Saurfang,Gelbin etc

But the actual story and lore were garbage.

Character development is meaningless when the story sucks. I’m amazed that you seem incapable of separating the two.

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Story was better than it ever has,while WotLK and BC is just “Go kill this villan on the top of his temple”

I vehemently disagree. The story was garbage. The lore was utter trash. The only good thing to come out of it were those character moments but they were not enough to save it.

Wrath was also a poor portrayal of the Lich King, so… yeah. Not the best either. And TBC was garbage too.

The only time we got good lore was in WC3 and WoW Classic.

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WoD a lot worse than any existing WoW expansion in lore aspects, alternate Draenor, one Legion on all parallel universes and other illogical things ruin the world building base.

At least WoD didn’t push the “the old gods are the real big bad and Azeroth is a baby titan” BS.

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BfA Lore was amazing - we’ve seen two separate parts of Horde players,character stories,new locations,more Loa lore and more plot than ever! - Story was like a short movie

BfA story and lore were trash and I’m done discussing it.

I don’t care about character development if the events surrounding that development are born out of the minds of idiots who don’t know what they’re doing with the story.

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Warlords of Draenor made orcs look pretty bad though.

You’ve described Warcraft III storytelling mostly

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No, I haven’t. Those people knew how to write Warcraft lore. The people currently writing it don’t.


And that’s why Warcraft 1-2 Lore is Trash that was retconed later?

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Nope. It got retconned because it was very rudimentary and needed to be built on for Warcraft 3. The events and characters are still largely the same.

What WoW did to Warcraft’s lore starting with TBC though… they took good lore and started crapping all over it because they forgot and didn’t care about what they wrote previously.

An MMO is not a good storytelling vehicle. At all.

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Same reason why it’s time to retcon Warcraft III

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Except it’s not, because all the new retcons are actually BAD.

Go play WoW if you want WoW lore. Leave WC3 alone.

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Which ones (The Third War) are bad? Name me a 5 of them

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Draenei not being native to Draenor is a bad retcon.

Blood elves not being an endangered species is a bad retcon.

Burning Legion not being the ultimate big bad in the universe is a bad retcon.

Old Gods being more than glorified footnotes is a bad retcon.

Azeroth being a baby titan is a bad retcon.

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WoW lore is Warcraft lore because while it’s the primary platform for its development, the series also relies on other forms of media for delivery.