Being brainless fan of old lore is stupid

Classic sucks,has plot holes,no lore,no character development

Let’s not get too hasty or zealous now.

Classic has plenty of lore and it has BETTER lore than modern does.

Plot holes? Where?

No character development? You literally see a promising prince go from hero of the people to outright villain over the course of the campaign. How is that not character development?

I’m sorry but you’re just wrong.


Story does not explain who is Ner’zul,Kel’tuzad,Illidan,Burning Legion Generals,Jaina etc - Lich king just…Exists…

Because it doesn’t need to shove all that exposition down your throat.

Besides, it DOES tell you who those people are. Not my fault you don’t pay attention.


It need to - you can’t just take a character out of knowhere and doesn’t tell us anything about him and how he bwcame who he is now

So you want the whole game to just be an exposition dump.

No thanks. Learn how to tell a story.

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Hi,I’m Illidan and I’m in jail for events you’ll never seen
Hi,I’m Jaina,and that’s all you need to know
Hi,I’m Kel’tuzad - Just a Necromancer
Hi,I’m Ner’zul…I’m sure you don’t want to know how i vecame a frozen posessed armor

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Classic, sadly, already irrelevant. Most new players know that it was retconned or don’t care about the campaign at all. I think most fans of the single are people, who already played in the classic campaign and solid part of them would be happy with campaign enchantments. I don’t know WoW fans who want to play reforged for the campaign, also I think most of the purists are not going to play in campaign.
Yes, new writers can make it in a very poor way, like in WoW, but I think the bad story mostly comes from MMO format, but they cancelled changes, so we never will know it.

Speaking as a pseudo-purist myself, campaign and custom games in single player are all I’ll ever play.

I don’t care about multiplayer.

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There’s a LOT of people who wants to see Arthas before he became a Lich-King,Sylvanas before she became Banshee,living Kael,Uther,Grom and many other important WoW figures

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There’s a few friends in my personal Discord that are MMO players, never touched the original games, and Reforged is on their list of interests.

For them it’s like watching the Original trilogy of Star wars after new
“Oh! This is Yoda! Darth Vader! Luke! Han Solo!”

Of course they’d want to watch the best trilogy.

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But Warcraft III has plot holes with WoW,that’s the problem.Warcraft III has less emotions,less explonation or expositions,less dialogues

Did it ever occur to you that some people hate modern WoW enough that they prefer the inconsistency so they can feel justified in ignoring modern WoW’s existence?

I don’t want to be constantly reminded that Azeroth is a titan in a game where it wasn’t.


And also I know that many people love WoW,and having two option wouldn’t be a problem

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Modern WoW is basically dead. Everyone playing it has gone to Classic, whose lore coincidentally is more in-line with Warcraft 3’s. Probably because they were developed at the same time originally.

It’s only a small minority who actually likes the garbage Blizzard’s done to modern WoW lore.


BfA is actually the best WoW expansion,even better than WotLK and BC in the way of storytelling

Wrong. BfA is actually worse than WoD.

Hell, it’s even worse than Cataclysm.

And I hate Cata.