Bats should be nerfed or cancelled

Hi developers,
The troll batriders are too imbalanced to be handled efficiently and they ruin the gameplay totally.
The reason is that because by the time they get the liquid fire spell, most of the players are out of their place. Towers don’t help because their attack is diminished too much.
Today I and my team lost completely. Without them we could have won.
Personally I hardly use bats. Orcs have catapults as their massive siege weapons.

I can recommend an alternative flying unit for Orc (since Orc is not strong enough to stand against wyrms and chims, even with wywerns): Red Dragon Rider.
1050 HP and 70-100 as their native damage. So Orc will never fail against other race’s flying units again.

PS: this is not because I am noob.

Sir, you are.