Acti-Blizz sucks

BESIDES WC3 Reforged being both an immediate and long-term overall “advanced” disappointment of an original IP, let me caricaturize you;

“Let’s turn out amazing, authentic IPs into Loot-box filled, P2W generic trash.” You all suck. I praise original WoW, Starcraft and Warcraft. How quickly you made your new IPs generic, loot-box driven and turned your backs on “Heroes of the Storm” when it wasn’t immediately profitable. Shame on you. You suck.


I just can’t believe how they took something so beloved, Warcraft III - for which many profitable offshoots were generated based off of Samwise’s immediately recognizable art-style (the look of most of Blizzard’s future IP) and so unsanctimoniously dishonored its name, both in execution and quality.

Blizzard used to be an IP that was synonymous with quality and where player experience was valued overall. It is no wonder Bungie for instance kept it’s autonomy with their contracts first against Microsoft and then later against Activision. While I think Destiny 2 has also become a massive cash grab for the company, some sense a value in still playing a game like that.

To me, they need to revisit their roots of creating great and memorable games without the service/lootbox price behind it. Also the Free-to-Play model in my own personal opinion is dangerous as it invites many bad actors which can poison/taint the multiplayer experience.

Getting back to Warcraft III Reforged: It’s hard to imagine this game will ever be fixed and provided regular updates. The most recent patch created more problems than it fixed and with very little announcements/conversations going on with this boards with Blizzard, it can easily appear to the fans like they have given up. The few that do care are too overburdened and leadership doesn’t really care because this remake was a commercial failure and don’t care about doing justice to the fans that brought and delivered them to the cash cow they currently are.

Please prove us wrong, but that’s what happens when you sit on a game for 2.5 years and wonder why fans have become disillusioned and upset with teasing them that upper-leadership actually gives a crap when it’s clear they do not.

Here’s a quick prayer that I’m not banned for stating the truth, not just opining.


Activision ruined Blizzard more than EA ruined any studio they got their hands on.

We’re talking about the company who has been forcing publishings of the same overused, way-out-of-its-prime franchise “Call of duty” for the last 10+ years. Even in the new CODs they’re focusing more on their battle royale content than other modes.

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Mmmmmmm that’s really a thing^^

Not just opining, pal. You’re spitting straight facts.