Achievements For Single Player Campaign

So i looked at the achievements for completing the campaign and they are all essentially just that …completing the campaign on normal or hard difficulty …i would like to know will there be other achievements aside from that …for example kill searinox …that could be an achievement …or keep 2 ghouls alive on the first mission with arthas in path of the damned when collecting the acolytes…just finishing the campaign to get achievements is well …i would feel like im accomplishing me if there are all these other smaller achievements through out the game giving it more replayability


Yes I would also want detailed achievements as in SC2, but War3R seems to be on same model as SCR, portraits awards for precise feats, no real achievements, with ability to compare with friends etc. (at least we get portraits for campaigns contrary to SCR)


I highly doubt we are getting actual achievements, but I really wish we did. That was probably my favorite part of Starcraft 2 and would be a good motivation to replay the Warcraft 3 campaign


+1 for achievements.

Guys, lets make more comments/likes in that topic, so they may add them? :slight_smile:
And rating system.