A suggestion to replace limitless selection

Well, let me start it off by saying limitless selection is still something superior to the suggestion i’m about to give and it would be preferable.

but understanding the limitation of wc3. i have a new suggestion.

Improve the functionality of Patrol button in wc3. so units set to patrol another unit therefore following that unit.

would EXACTLY copy every basic command order given to that specific unit they are following.

so attack specific unit.
Hold position.
issue move order.

so on…

if the unit that’s being followed/patrolled moves more then X radius away from lets say the units that were assigned to follow/patrol on him and they were attacking specific target or holding position.

then the following/patrolling units would abandon their order and seek to follow the unit they were assigned to patrol/follow.

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Don’t they already copy that behavior when following another unit?

(Also, no unlimited selection please)

I’d love to hear what big downside there is for unlimited selection in wc3. I will concede that in the vast majority of games the 12 limit isn’t an issue, though I’d also say I don’t find it as some positive either. But regardless, I have to assume that anyone who argues against unlimited unit selection has never: massed flying machines or stayed in a 4v4 game when all their allies left and tried to solo the enemy team. The selection limit makes the flying machine situation a slight inconvenience, but it makes the 1v4 situation an absolute nightmare. And the other part of that is the non-pooled resources when you have leavers.


Agreed. And all of that is purely for melee, not even touching on Customs.

they just follow, they don’t copy all the movement commands, i thought i gave a very clear example without the need to explain. but here you are acting like you didn’t even read what i wrote.

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That’s an incredible suggestion! I myself have always wished them to copy the commands, it’s such a natural yearning.

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Yeah, that’s wrong. I have mortars following my Paladin all the time, and they mimic the hero’s behavior in terms of attack/move.

No, you dont know what hes talking about. If you walk past a creep and you have a new unit rallied to your hero they will walk into the creeps instead of around them. Its funny how twice in 2 weeks you couldnt figure out what stormknight was saying

as for unlimited unit selection, well theres quite a few good ideas that have been shared on this forum, heres what I think would help - Pre-set Control Groups in Option - #49