50% of Join bugs

Is it me or the joinbug ratio is close to 50%
Half of my game, it says “game found”, then nothing happens, and I have to quit the game while nothing responds anymore to queue again.

Blizzard please.
Please, joinbugs used to happen like one game out of 40 back in 2005.
This is astonishing.


Same for me.

I play like 12 games a day and the only games I lose is because of join bugs. Like 12:5 every day, so sad.

Right now I just faced 6 join bugs on 6 attempts to join a game.
Probably is something else than a regular joinbug, like just a server problem, which is just as bad but whatever.
What a mess really

Actually I don’t know if they even should reset the current “ladder” once they fixed the join bugs.

I mean do I care that 70% of my losses are join bugs? Probably yes. But I also wanna keep my wins - honestly I don’t know.

I just hope they will fix that what should not even have happened ASAP.

If you live on the threshold of regions (ie. Greenland, east Europe) - try other region. I’ve noticed that in Iceland, it connects well to Europe, but in Poland, it fails and you need to switch to Asia.

They honestly should just reset all the stats on current “ladder”, as soon as the real ladder is implemented.

(of course, i hope they fix the join bug for good, befor they give us actual ladder)

Because where is the sence behind playing rank matches, when your stats are manipulated by an outcome, of which you had 0% influence…

It would only be fair to reset all current stats, once they give us a real (hopefully join bug free) ladder to play on…

So, this is the wrong forum.

Go to the bug section. Make a proper report there.

Here, it’s just pointless whine.

Hey all,

Be sure to report this in the Technical Support forum. There is a specific thread where Bliz is asking for new reports of the join bug.