[2.0.0] Sending large chat messages breaks UI

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Join a custom map lobby
  3. Everyone’s UI will now look something like this (or worse): https://i.imgur.com/xPgZ0UJ.png
  4. You must restart your game entirely for the UI to revert back to normal.

You cannot hit the start game button after this happens because of the UI bug, so you can lobby bomb people and make lobbies unable to start.

Laughably incompetent as always Blizzard!

Players are using this to crash games. This bug is really dumb and needs to be fixed ASAP

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updating this with instructions for the blizz team on how to fix:
add word-break: break-all; to the CSS for .Player-Chat-Message

I’ve uploaded a fix for this here for anyone that needs it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aVUu_f8FfLHnH0WVz8gSak-RdhEwCFAB/view?usp=sharing
(edit: did 1 small fix for that file, link is still the same)

To enable this, you must turn on local files (a guide on that can be found here https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/local-files.330849/) and then drop the gluemanager.js file into your install directory under _retail_\webui (create those folders if you don’t have them already). (it is recommended to delete this file if they push any future ui updates, as it can potentially cause compatibility issues)