2 Features, lets discuss

Then it shouldn’t be raised on an arbitrary level such as microing your statues to heal faster because they’re bugged with a longer animation than normal.

Use that micro in other ways. Make that Sacrifice Dagger item more Risk Reward instead of a mere 2hp/s heal. Add in more buttons to press. I’m all for that, but in a designed way and not because of some data oversight.

I think adding quick cast is a way to alleviate micro that could be used elsewhere.

I value tricks in the game like dropping +int items, drinking a potion and picking back the item to get more mana is a nice bonus for skilled players, but it’s not something that’s useful in combat where it matters and has no real tactical value outside of such. I’m not saying it should be removed or anything, but the way it works should be more obvious so people know this trick and it’s not just a quirk of the game. We can’t talk about raising the skill ceiling if the room is a mystery to the majority of players.

Hell I play D2 for over 20 years and I still find out about weird animation bugs that give huge boosts to gameplay, and it makes certain builds way more effective because of it. I don’t think that’s good for the game because it also means other builds are worse in comparison for not being exploitable, and that leads to niche strategies and competitive play being built around a house of cards.

If UD nuking is an issue, it should have always been tackled at a fundamental level. It’s not, and we’re just expected that the game balances itself out for UD having powerful nukes and limited unit options, and we run into the same problems in competitive play because of lack of flexibility and being predictably countered. Instead of being leveled out, the powerful nukes simply promote the players with the best nuke micro, and this is one of the reasons why Happy stands out above all other UD who are struggling to compete.

It is. If it’s not in SC2, don’t hold your breath. You’re an unrealistic dude (also claiming that the Reforged ladder should be exclusive to Reforged buyers - unrealistic af).

dude you are making sht up, I never said that. Please dont make sht up

Oh gods, yes, you said it, should I waste 3 min looking up the thread?

You troll too much bro… i actually tried having a nice conversation with you and you couldnt even go 5 posts without ruining it

whatever you read you misinterpreted, what I want is for classic owners to still be able to play with reforged owners, but there should be a classic ladder without changes and a modern ladder with new improvements. I know exactly what I said so dont twist my words

What improvements? Different ladders = no cross-play. Unless it’s not English.

see dude, just cause you cant comprehend what I said doesnt mean you are right.

crossplay = classic owners to still be able to play with reforged owners

thats what i said, learn to read

Can you read? Explain “different ladders”.

I dont talk to trolls, you want to discuss ladder improvements? reply in one of my many other threads. You are off-topic here

What are you even saying?

Thats why your a troll, instead of posting in that thread and having a discussion with me there, you derail this thread which has nothing to do with your topic of discussion

You derail every thread by ignoring questions to your suggestions and calling folks trolls.

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(here is the standalone link that can be copied to a new page incase the video doesn’t load for anyone)


here is a video example of the both features i’m talking about.

i noticed Wc3Tutor got number 2 wrong, and would bet he never played C&C games.

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would argue… for what? I literally did not read it in time.

Rofl, that was for the SJW thread. Regarding the features - I like both of the ideas.


mhm, was reading it, and hey thanks.

since wc3Tutor mentioned the middle mouse thing, which is faking useless compared to what’s shown in the video. i can see atleast SOMEthing similar was done back in the day.

so now i’m even more keen on asking blizzard to make the middle mouse thing work like how its shown in that video. its just smooth af i love it.

I read it “faking unless”.

Stop censoring yourself in such a silly way. Why does nobody ever writes fvcking? Is knowing the Latin script’s history this hard for you?

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I completely disagree. When you’re relying on something as artificial has how fast a human can press a button and left click on their mouse versus just pressing a button, something else is very wrong. A mouse click adds a fraction of a second to the command, hardly a balance concern and more a convenience.


The thing about ‘hacks’ is that if its available to all players, it no longer becomes a hack, it becomes a subgenre of play.

FPS 1-shot kill hacks are very exploitable. If you give it to everyone though, then it becomes its own subgenre- Paintball mode. Its not a imbalanced way to play, just a different set of standards that will need to be adjusted to. And honestly we go through this every patch, just on a smaller scale

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You guys both seem to miss my point entirely, even though I have already repeated it multiple times.

Quick cast only benefits nuking heroes, especially races with multiple nuking heroes, meaning we would see much less non-nuking heroes, and coil nova is already powerful enough