PTR 3 Patch Notes

Fixing Undead balance design :

Death Knight :

Death Coil (nerf) :

  • lvl1 Damages 100 or Heals 200 HP stay the same.
  • lvl2 Damages 200 or Heals 400HP Nerf : Damages 150 or Heals 350 HP
  • lvl3 Damages 300 or Heals 600HP Nerf : Damages 225 or Heals 550 HP

Destroyers (nerf) : Spell Immunity (Passive) removed

Abomination (buff) : Requires : Halls of the Dead (available on T2 instead of T3)
Disease Cloud Upgrade still requires Black Citadel to research

Tomb of relics new item (buff) : Tiny hunted gold mine (similar to tiny great hall from orcs)
Item cost : 450 gold 210 wood
Item Requires : Black Citadel

Frost Wyrm (buff) : Build time 65 sec to (Buff) 55 sec

Undead as a race is (similar to protoss in sc2 (relaying on mothership core and warp in) is the most gimmicky designed race in the game.Around one spell Death coil and one unit destroyers.
So as in SC2 protoss were changed with addition of new buildings (shield battery) and new balance changes and removing Mothership core from the game to be now in stable state .

This changes are designed to push Undead as a race away from gimmicky design to more an RTS all around good race to play.

Fixing Orc race design :

In the past Orc were the race that relay on there Op Heroes (Blademaster and Far Sear) to be competitive vs other races.

Also their are the only race that cant creep due to weak Burrow building and is force to attacking and denying opponent creeps to survive early game.
Their units are kind weak and they have problem expending.

Since their heroes were justifiably nerfed and they still have hard time expending and have weaker units compare to other races they need some core changes to be competitive to other races.

So whats are Orc problem :

  • Weak units.
  • Hard to expend (so maybe you can mass week units and overwhelm your opponents).
  • Hard to creep early game due weak Burrow building.

So whats the solution :

Weak units : their Head hunter just got buff from 350 hp to 375hp witch make unit more competitive.

Next unit that need buff is Tauren :

Tauren (buff) :

Build time : 44 sec to 40 sec
Movment speed : 270 to 290
Collision Size : 48 to 42
Pulverize (Upgrade) : 100g175w to 75g 150w

Rider (nerf) : Ensnare now slows 50 % repair rate of the workers instead of preventing them compliantly.
(nerf to Orc base trade all ins)

Hard to expend solution :
Orc Great hall (build time buff) : 145 sec to 135 sec (or 130 sec)
Original buff was 135 .

Hard to creep early game due weak Burrow building solution :

War Mill upgrade buff : spiked barricades : add + 3 armour to burrow (so cant be easily killed) (only to burrow not to watch tower)
So this upgrade should give you opportunity to creep instead of harassment so you would not worry early game that your base would get easily destroyed.

That s some of Orcs problems that could should be fixed in order to make race all around better to play and more balanced and competitive to other races .

Ty for reading :slight_smile: